Sunday, November 18, 2012

Connor's FOUR!!!

Every year I say I will just do "an easy party"...
and every year it seems to be more than I expect!
It took a joint effort of Mom, Matt, Nana & Papa to get everything together, picked up & delivered to our party destination (our community play area), all while entertaining the birthday boy at all times.
Enjoy a recap of our fun birthday celebration!
Matt & I were up early to get dressed & organized for the big day! 
Connor woke around 8:00am pumped that it was his birthday!  First stop--gifts!
*Please excuse the reindeer undies*
Connor has some great reactions to all his cards & gifts.  Its fun to watch him open stuff :)
"Ooooooo a Piggie!"
While I headed up to set up for the Candyland party fun, Nana & Papa swung by shortly after with more goodies for the birthday man!
A scooter!!!
After fighting the wind to get the table clothes & balloons in place, we were almost ready for party time!
I think every child's birthday party should occur within a half hour of them waking, because asking a young child to be patient & wait for their party is just not fair (and results in quite the attitude sometimes...)
Catch a tiny glimpse of the "don't take my picture" attitude pre-party.
Nana did a great job playing with the party guy while I tried to snap a few pictures of C smiling...we make a great team!
Pretty sure Nana was putting a squishy squid toy on my head at this very moment to get C to chuckle...
While we waited for friends to arrive, Nana & Papa joined in on a small soccer game :)
Once Connor's buds started to arrive, fun was had by all!  The kiddies enjoyed the playground...
while I enjoyed some sweet baby time with precious CJ (I could eat him up).
I asked Connor to please keep his white party shirt clean until people arrived.  Once the kids were there, it was fair game to dive into the cheetos & wipe all cheesiness on his shirt!
While Connor played, I found myself clinging to anywhere CJ was.  What a sweet little guy hanging with Auntie Nicole!
We busted out our "sled" to entertain the kiddies (in fear that it might not warm up enough to play in the fountains/pool).  The kids had a blast going for rides :)
*These are 3 of Connor's favorites ladies--Makayla, Stella & Peyton.  He was thrilled to know they were all coming to his party.
The girls played so great together!
And the "big kids" showed off their soccer skills.
After lunch, we opted to give the chilly water a try.  Water blasters were handed out, C expressed a few temper flares (always a good time to be had), and the kiddies enjoyed the water!
Sweet Stella is cute as can be!  Connor loves all his girlfriends, but has a special liking to Stella :)  She was first to check on Connor when he was crying (during those precious temper flares).
When Connor shows signs of complete meltdown, food is usually very helpful!  We found that it was time for some sugar fun!  The kids had a ball decorating their own cupcakes.  I was so glad I decided to do this at the party, because all the kids seemed to enjoy it!  The girls were very patient and precise on where they placed their decorations, while Connor dove right in.
(Notice the plate completely covered by sprinkles...)
Lots of sugar was consumed :)
Connor was surrounded by the ladies :)
Lots of blue lips :)
Cute Stella!
I was surprised C ate his cupcake covered in crunchy sprinkles!

As Connor likes to announce,
"It's present time!!!"
Connor & his little helpers were ready!
Connor got lots of goodies! New toys, legos, easel, clothes, books, jammies, games...
We plan to stay home all day tomorrow & try out some of his fun birthday stuff!
Connor's choice phrase for unwrapping gifts...
"A new_____! Get outta here!"
(apparently I've been saying that sarcasticly to C a lot lately & he decided to say it too!)

We had a wonderful time today!  Thank you to all that celebrated with us!!!!

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