Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We've had a few bumps in the road the past few days.  Not sure if I would even call them "bumps," but we'll go with that for now.  I was sick all weekend with an awful bug consisting of boofing up everything in my bodily system.  I was a hot mess Friday night through Sunday morning.  When I woke Sunday morning feeling a little better, Matt woke with a similar bug.  Thank Heavens Connor survived without catching it.  I would gladly go through it all over again instead of having my child go through it.  That would spell miserable!
Then on Monday, I left work early because I was still feeling rough.  I picked Connor up from my parents' house & headed home.  Our regular 20 minute drive home turned into nearly TWO hours.  Thanks to the wonderful trucker that drove into the overpass of I-75 on Daniels Pkwy, our regular route home on Daniels was CLOSED & we got to take a detour down I-75 two exits then get off the exit & back track through horendous traffic.  A 'fun' detour + feeling sick would have been enough, but Connor decided to fall asleep in the car within 5 minutes of being in the by the time we rolled into our driveway at 6:00pm & I was fully exhausted, Connor awoke from his refreshing long nap & was roaring to go for the entire night.
At least he looked pretty darn precious snoozing in the backseat...
Then on Tuesday, I had a "meeting" with a court ordered Parent Coodinator.  I don't know what is more exhausting & frustrating...having to sit across from a mentally ill narcissist for an hour expressing how "unfair" things have been over the past 3 years of his life OR having to sit across from a "Professional Psychologist" who feels that since someone else is mentally ill that I AM the one who should work to make things easier for him.  If I was asked, "What can YOU do, Megan, to make things easier for {INSERT DESCRIPTIVE WORD HERE}?", I may have exploded.  I'm honestly surprised that my vomiting attacks from the stomach bug didn't act up again after that meeting.
I went home that night & was gifted with a beautiful gift from God.  Connor slept all night from about 8:40pm to 9:00am, giving me a long, much needed night's sleep on my hubby's shoulder.  It was just what I needed.
We woke this morning ready for one fine day.  We started with baking cupcakes for Connor's school to celebrate C's birthday.  Strawberry cupcakes with buttercream frosting was what the birthday boy requested, so that is what we did.  I went against all my "Mom-sense" on reasons why NOT to let Connor lick the beaters & we dove right into licking the beaters AND bowl clean.  I did it (and still do) and have survived it.  Let the tradition continue...
Connor is so my child.
We went down our daily checklist----worked on some daily "curriculum" of letter writing, matching seasons, shapes, etc, cut C's hair (which always feels like a HUGE item to cross off my list), went to a new carwash place (which involved an automated screen telling us what to do, a carwash attendant who pushed my sideview mirrors in & directed us onto a conveyor belt thingy where we put our car in neutral & coasted through one neat carwash experience), and then headed over to "Papa's favorite fishing store" aka Bass Pro Shops to see Santa.
Before you all think I'm crazy for visiting Santa on November 14th...
Let me explain.
We go to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa every year.  Its always a magical experience with World's best looking Santa, but the line is usually terribly long full of impatient children (including my own).  I have Connor's birthday, Thanksgiving (C's Thanksgiving with us, our Thanksgiving with the Sears family, our Thanksgiving with the Whitaker family), and Christmas (same scenario as Thanksgiving) scheduling in a day/time where we could see Santa around work schedule & around the days Connor isn't with me & I was fearing it wouldn't get done when I'd like it too...Sooooo... we went a good month before Christmas.  No biggie in the eyes on a 3 year old!
We spent 2 hours in the Magical Land & pretty much had the place to ourselves.
It was awesome. 
I was pretty bummed when I saw that the Santa that we've seen ever since Connor was 3 weeks old was now a different Santa.  The new Santa was a little less warm and cuddly looking, but Connor didn't seem to mind!
The "Toy Land" in Bass Pro is full of kiddie areas, like trains, race car tracks, and video games in the North Pole area.  We always flock toward the train table.  Since we were crazy enough to visit Santa in November, Santa wasn't busy at all with other he came & played one-on-one with Connor.  It was so neat to watch.  Connor was amazed.
Then Connor became pretty comfortable.
"Santa, this is how you do the train.  Watch this."
They stopped & Connor was reminded he was hanging with the Santa Claus.
The Bass Pro 'elves' pulled out a fun remote helicopter & caught Connor's attention.
"Hey Santa. Come check this out with me."
A few random kids started to trickle in to see Santa, so we had to share him with others.  We played a good while at the race car table and then I decided to let Connor try to "blasters" aka rifles to hunt the animals.  I'm pretty anti-guns for kids, but if I call them "blasters" it feels a little less dangerous.
Connor looked like a natural...with his pink gun...
I convinced Connor into saying farewell to the big jolly man.
I'm sure we'll go back again before Christmas.
This age is going to be the BEST this Christmas season.
Thanks Bass Pro Santa for some great memories today.

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