Saturday, November 17, 2012

Someone's turning 4...

I figured we'd be all wrapped up in the festivities of tomorrow's CandyLand Birthday Adventure, so I just wanted to post a special birthday wish to my sweet boy today.
To my precious Connor Scott,

It feels like almost yesterday that I was lulling you to sleep with my vacuum, dancing you to Neil Sedaka's kid CD to get you to nap on my chest, watching in amazement with Nana when you sat up on your own on your bedroom floor without toppling over, cheering for you as you wobbled your first real steps in my closet the night of your first birthday, laughing at you when you'd make your "Hulk face" from your teething discomfort, hoping you wouldn't choke as you inhaled your food, praying that you'd start talking so I could stop worrying...

The days when you were a baby crawled by & I remember counting down the days until your next expected milestone...but now I wish those days didn't fly by so incredibly quickly.  Those days are a thing of the past, but now we have new, fun adventures to enjoy---like hearing you tell me you missed me, or playing Hide & Seek, or singing Veggie Tale songs together, or giggling together when we say funny words that don't make sense, or playing Candyland, or just watching you make friends at the playground..."Hi, I'm Tonnor. Wanna play with me?! Come on!!"...

You've grown into such a little person with feelings, emotions, and an opinion.  You can be rough and loud one minute, yet so sweet and gentle the next.  You share the same fear that I had growing up...going to bed all by yourself.  While it makes our nights a little less easier, I don't mind hanging out in your hallway (just so you know I'm there), so you can fall asleep comfortably.

You taught me the meaning of true love and to say that I would go through anything for you or do anything for you is an understatement.  My plan for you has altered a bit since you were born, but I know God has us on an even better path now.

I love you more than you will ever be able to comprehend.  You're my favorite boy and I am proud to be your Mommy.

Happy FOURTH birthday Sugar Bear!


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