Friday, February 26, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese!!!!

I hate to admit, but I have basically fallen off the blog bandwagon over the past month or so. It may be a combination of working full time, complete exhaustion, mixed in with a little boy that has begun to enjoy the art of separation anxiety & tantrums. This past week has especially been difficult, as Connor has been fighting off a booger-clogged nose. I wish there was an easy way to teach a toddler how to blow his nose...and not fight taking medicine.

We've still managed to have a good time, despite all thats been going on recently. Here are just a few illustrations of what we've been up to lately.

Connor & Mommy's adventure to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time (Loved climbing the toddler playground, running through the arcade games, and touching each floor outlet along the way!)

Connor's new ball

He couldn't contain his excitement!

Drinking and driving with Stuart Little

Connor's independent game of opening and closing doors in the house has become one Mom must play along with now! He likes to push the door completely closed to hear it latch. Like clockwork, about three seconds later Connor lets out his helpless whines indicating the fact he can't open the door by himself! Connor tries to turn the handle of the door (smart little cookie), but can't turn it all the way. I'm sure that won't last for long...

Hopefully in the days to come I will have some more time to get back into my usual---obsessive photography and blogging about my little munchkin.

P.S. Happy belated 15 months to Connor man!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Funny Foam!

When I was a little girl, funny foam was a favorite in the tub. Craig, Katie & I would usually get funny foam in our stockings for Christmas when we were younger. Katie was notorious for going through a whole can in one bath sitting! The tradition has since been passed to my little one! Connor's had a few cans of funny foam just waiting to be broken in! Although Connor still loves to put everything in his mouth, he did pretty well experimenting with his new bath time product! Here's a play by play of the introduction:

Mom easing Connor into the funny foam phenomenon (in fear that he may very well consume it as if it were frosting).

After one taste of what was definitely not frosting, Connor was quick to learn the excitement of playing with the foam!

Still not completely sure what to think of it all...

After a few minutes of investigating, Connor declared his joy for the funny foam! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010


My child loves food. Can you tell?!

Valentine's Day :)

One little boy is loved by so many! Today is Connor's 2nd Valentine's Day & he was blessed with thoughtful gifts from his Nana & Papa and G.G. Melveeta! He was also fortunate enough to spend the afternoon with the best Uncle & Auntie--Craig & Nicole. We had a great time exploring the Manatee Park. Weather was beautiful! Although manatees aren't the most exciting creatures to watch (just lay there in the water), we got a glimpse at lots of tarpon & jack splashing around. Connor probably didn't grasp the concept of manatee/fish watching, but he enjoyed being outside & going on a rock hunt.

Mama's boy :)

Loving on his 'tickled pink' lion from G.G.

Scoping out the manatees at the park

Connor leading Uncle Craig on a stroll

Connor leading Auntie Nicole on a stroll...

One pooped little boy on the way home :)

Happy Valentine's Day! xoxox

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Connor's 1st Seafood festival!

Last weekend was a big 1st trip for Connor man. We traveled a good 2 hours to visit the happenings down by Papa's 'fishing villa' in Everglades City. To be completely honest, the festival isn't quite up our alley (with the majority of the crowd sporting hunting camo or leather outfits to coordinate with their motorcycles). It was just great to get together with the whole fam and get out for the day. Connor was quick to scope out an area of rocks to play in (go figure!), so he was pretty happy! Uncle Craig won Connor his very own goldfish, which Connor named "Dora", of course! Dora, however, now rests in peace, as Mommy woke up to a sad, lifeless fish the next morning :(. Maybe we'll try another fish when Connor's a little older! Enjoy some pictures (of rather poor quality since Connor was not quite 'cheesing for the camera' as needed)!
Papa showing Connor around...they're best buddies!

The all important rocks that keep Connor content for hours

A cute pic of Connor's Aunties (with the face of a child that was annoyed he had to stop playing in his rocks momentarily for a photo opp)

Connor is blessed with an amazing Auntie and Uncle! The 'Captain' and his little 'Captain in Training'

Connor giving his Dora fish a big kiss!

Rest in peace, Dora!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Randoms from the past week

Lots of cute pics. Little time to blog. Enjoy :)

Connor's new fave---opening and closing the doors! Him and Coop were enjoying his new game after bath one night!

Giggles with Mom (I love these moments--when he giggles and it makes me giggle, so we're both giggling at eachother!) :) Love him!!!

The weirdest swing I've ever seen---looks like some futuristic contraption, but I just thought Connor looked cute in it---like 'king of the park'

Happy Birthday Nicole!!!

This post is WAY overdue! I've had a busy busy busy week of work at my new job (which I LOVE, by the way), so have had little time to sleep/blog/etc. This post is dedicated to Connor's amazing Auntie & my wonderful sister-in-law, Nicole!! We hope you had a wonderful birthday & we love you lots!!
The official 'birthday photo with the banner' picture

Connor celebrating the night by using a spoon on his own!

...he was proud of himself!

"No hands!"

And this is usually how it ends...

Mr. Monkey boy climbing in the fridge :)