Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happy Happy Birthday Nana (Mom)!!

I am an awesome Mom.  
I know that, for sure, because I have an awesome Mom.  
I learned from the best :).  

We got together this week to celebrate her on her birthday!  

The birthday girl, her Mama, and one of the precious grandbabies (handsome Bennett).

My sis-in-law (aka one rockstar Mom) and one of her precious babes--Brooks!

The 'big boys' enjoying supper

One full Bennett, biggest cousin, Connor, and Nana

The Monster Baby, Noah, and Papa

He looks little until we hang with Brooks & Bennett...then suddenly, he's a beast!

Some of the boys on 'baby duty'

Connor always has a front row seat for the candle blowing at any birthday gathering!

My color coordinated boys!  My giant forehead didn't want to pose for me!

Meanwhile, there was lots of happy kicking going on with these two :)

A 4 generation photo for the memory books

One ridiculously cute little family!  My heart floods with joy looking at this picture :)

How quickly my sweet little nephews are growing.
Bennett (2 months old)

Brooks (2 months old)

And here are the 'big boys' with their wonderful G.G.!

We hope Nana had a very special birthday & we were so very happy to celebrate with her! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Holy Moly!

This past week was nothing short of hell on earth.  Since this blog serves as a baby book for my children as well as a personal journal with photos for me, I don't want to dwell too much on the 'yuck details,' but let's just say I was in trial for 2 days, have documented my entire life as a Mom for the last 4 years, have spent more time than I'd prefer studying, organizing, printing, and writing every interaction with a particular individual, so that I could sit in front of a Judge to explain my views and the crap that me (and my precious Connor) have lived.  What amazes me the most is that how lightly someone takes "swearing in under oath." 

 There were lies, upon lies, upon lies as we sat in court.  All said with a straight face before God.

It was at that moment that I was beyond relieved that all that time I spent documenting every.single.interaction. between me and 'the other party.'  I had a voicemail, along with hand written notes to prove the lies were not true.  It was, if, for just a moment, I had a tiny victory proving he was a liar in front of an audience.

How much better would life be if a liar's pants really did catch on fire?!

I made it through two of the hardest days of my life to date, praying that this one judge will see what is clear to be the best interest of my sweet boy and see all that the 'other party' really is.

So now I just wait.  The judge will mail the verdict to my attorney.  It could be days, weeks, months...  All I can do is not think about it, live in the moment, and pray.  Pray hard.

I am so very blessed to have these sweet boys to keep me distracted each minute of the day.  

It's been a while since I sat down to blog my photos from this month.  A lot has gone on.  My boys are ever changing.  Thank goodness for pictures to help tell the story.

Our nightly baths have really become fun.  There's splashing, giggles, and memories being made.

This Nugget turned 9 months.  He had his first haircut (courtesy of Barber Mommy), sprouted tooth #2, babbles "Mama" and "Dada," loves to giggle at his brother, and is sleeping more (slightly).  He beelines it for any toilet paper or cords he can get his hands on, and plays fetch like a pup.

Summer days are long.  Very long, at times.  We've tried to coordinate play dates when we can to help keep our days exciting.  Malena and Brennen from down the street came by to make pizzas for lunch a few weeks ago.  The kids played well together.  If I remember correctly, the play date ended with Connor in timeout.  Good times.

Mr. Mess Maker tried spaghetti for the first time.  He makes me miss having a dog to clean up under the high chair.  Noah is king of watching things drop to the floor.  Meal time is usually eat, splash hands in any juice on his tray, watch it fly, take a bite of food, toss food on the floor, then repeat.  If you tell Noah to stop, he just looks up at you and smiles.  Oh, he is trouble.

The boys hosting their splash contest in the tub.  I do a lot of wiping up puddles after bath time.  This is the closest I get to mopping the floors these days.

C loves to note how beautiful the sunsets are.  He is so my dad.  Our bike rides at sunset make my heart happy.

Ever since Noah's teeth popped through, he likes to make a goob face.  I can't get enough of it.

Yep.  Goob face.
Connor finished flag football and began tee ball.  He's not so thrilled with the catching part, but likes to hit.  I'm so happy he's playing something indoors during the brutal summer heat.

I received this sweet little gift from the soon-to-be Mrs. Brewer.  My little sister is getting married.  When did we get so old?!

Little girls like to doodle with chalk and crayons.  My little boy likes to watch his Mama doodle with chalk and crayons.  I try so very hard to not botch all of his requests, despite the fact I am no where near an artist.
(Just to clarify- pictured below is a Royal Guard (Star Wars), Emmett (from Lego Movie), Lego Batman, and Angry Bird Yoda.)  Only for my boy!
Last week, I ventured out with the boys on our bikes.  For our 20 minute bike ride, I'm pretty sure it took me just as long to get us all ready.  There was lots of strap adjusting, helmet tightening, tire pumping, tire re-pumping after Connor thought it'd be fun to try it himself, sweat wiping, encouraging, happy Mom words, and pictures taken before we left the driveway (by a neighbor jogging by that must have noted all my efforts).  Before I made it across the street, I learned I was riding on a dry-rotted back tire that just let out all that awesome air we just pumped into it.  No darn tire was going to make us turn back!  We were all smiles (except my thighs that were screaming after riding on my flat tire).

This helmet is what you get when Target has only one infant helmet to choose from.  My little monkey.

Look at these ridiculously adorable babies!  It's only a short amount of time before we have little boys running all over in our family!  Gosh, I love their little faces.
Noah Monster is hitting milestones like crazy lately.  I'm excited he's thriving, but my little baby is growing too darn fast.  This day...he chose to stand on his own AND clap.  Life is about to get very interesting!  Oh, the stage of bumps, bruises, and tiny shoes.

He claps all the time.  I love it every time.

Friday was exactly what we needed after a crud week.  The boys and I tried out the Aquatic Center after not going since before I had Noah.  Connor is about 47 inches, which is an inch shy of the height requirement for the big water slides there.  We went over to the slides to measure him just in case (and for me to see how strict the lifeguards really are).  Connor looked so close & was anxiously waiting to see what the lifeguard said.  I kindly promoted the fact that C is an excellent swimmer and so close to the 48 inch mark.  The lifeguard approved!  I cheered inside!!  Connor exclaimed how happy he was that he grew! :)
It was not easy trying to capture a brother photo, all while holding my camera with one hand, and keeping a hand on Noah with the other hand (oh, and with the usual "Look at me! Smile! Don't squish your brother! Look at me!" instructions).

Noah was content with whatever we were doing.

We spent a good two hours watching big brother on the water slides.  Connor was happy as a clam.  Noah napped on me.  I got to sit, be out of the house, and with little expense & effort, my boys were having a good time.  It was a win for all.

Off to bed, I go!  Tomorrow is a big day!  Connor goes to a Kid Camp at our community center in the morning, then off to celebrate our favorite lady's birthday!  Happy (slightly early) birthday Nana!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Noah's 1st boat ride!

I found Connor to be a 'tough'  baby.  He surprised me when he was happy as a clam in his life jacket on the boat.  I find Noah to be a pretty 'easy going' baby.  He, to my surprise, was not a big fan of the life jacket.

Funny how that works.

We all had a great time on the boat today though!  It was a beautiful day.  I was counting down the seconds until I had Connor home with me again (I kid you not).  Once we picked him up, we headed to the boat ramp to meet Nana & Papa.  A little sun, fishing, fast boat riding, and sand dollar hunting in the water was just what we needed.  

This kid needed a distraction from his life jacket.  The bait well always does the trick with kids.

Big man in a little jacket...

My sweet boy and his absolute favorite person (next to me, of course)...his Nana!

Papa set us up on a great spot where the boys could get in the water & it was pretty shallow.  Within a few minutes, Papa discovered we were on a sand dollar jackpot!  

C totaled 74 sand dollars at one point!  He was thrilled to just keep picking them up and launching them in the water.  We have quite a few bright yellow fingers and toes to show for it!

This kid was back to his easy self once the life jacket was off!

After lunch, Matt & Noah joined in on the sand dollar adventures in the water.

Like no surprise, once the motor was running on our way in, this little guy was out like a light in a matter of seconds!

Fun comparison...
Connor at 5 months old on his first ride in Papa's boat.
Noah at 9 months old on his first ride in Papa's boat.

Life jackets make great pillows.

Big thanks to Nana & Papa for a very therapeutic day on the water!

Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July Fun!

I am so grateful we've taken on the fun family tradition of the 4th of July kids' fishing tournament that I did as a kid, because I love being able to share it with Connor (and eventually Noah).

This was Connor's 2nd year participating & the pressure is always on Papa!  Three hours of fishing in the summer heat while trying to entertain your kids is a challenge, but with snacks, pretend play with lego minifigures, and moving around to different fishing spots helped keep the kids content!

Connor's first year in the tournament landed him a fishing pole, bait bucket, and trophy for catching the most unique fish (sting ray).

This year, Connor brought in 3 fish & won himself a tackle box, bait bucket, and free meal at Perkins. Yay!

Connor was thrilled to get some one on one time with his favorite Nana in the whole world before the fishing began.

My kids are beyond blessed to have these two as their Nana & Papa!

We attempt family photos whenever we get a chance.  To get both boys looking and smiling is such a task!!

After the cannon blast, the boys were off to catch something!

Meanwhile, we prayed the boys would catch something to keep C happy!

The boys relocated to another fishing spot & caught a grunt for their first fish!

Not much later, the boys reeled in fish #2!

We had to help Connor focus on holding his pole the whole time, as he was trying to multitask & scarf some Cheetos while he waited for the fish to bite!

Fish #3!

He's so cute & the chattiest little fisherman ever.

This little monster devoured some watermelon while we watched big bro fish.

This would have been fish #4, but the monster got away...

Another family photo attempt...

And another...

Peewee with all of his winnings!

After fishing fun, we landed ourselves in Nana & Papa's pool to cool off.

Nana & my boys :)

Then today, we celebrated the 4th of July at Aunt Debbie's house for a low key pool/BBQ day.  It was really nice, but I missed my Connor horribly.

This handsome little fella tried to keep me occupied.

Noah knew my heart was hurting, so granted us both a 3 hour afternoon nap!

Thinking of my sweet Grandma Beach today (as I do every year on this day).  I know she would just love to see my boys now.  This day will forever be her holiday.

Happy 4th of July!