Sunday, March 31, 2013


Mommy wrote a letter to the Easter bunny to ask if he could come Saturday instead of Sunday, so fun began a day early in our house!

C's favorites from the Easter bunny this year were anything 'tacky boy'...
AKA Angry Birds, Star Wars & Mario Bros.

The Easter Bunny scored big with getting Connor Angry Bird 'Mash 'ems'!

It was our first year with an egg hunt at our new house & C tackled it like a champ!

After our morning festivities, we headed to C's school where they were holding free Easter fun.  The loads of people made it a little overwhelming for Peewee and we didn't have the greatest luck.

We checked out the goats & chickens at the petting zoo.  C wasn't sure how he felt about the whole thing while we were there, but later in the day he told me it was one of his favorite parts of the day.

After the petting zoo is where our luck kept running out.  There were a good 7 bounce houses to pick from & play on, but each had a good long line for impatient munchkins.  C did great waiting in line & going on his first bounce house.  After that, we went to get in line for another one & the woman kindly told us that it was 'closed' for now.  C had his heart set on it, so that didn't go over to well with him.  We wiped the tears away & hopped in line for another bounce house where we were able to get C to say "Ok, I'm going to do this one two times and then we can leave."  I cheered inside that C was willing to leave soon, since the crowds were a little too overwhelming & were bound to cause an over-stimulating meltdown from Peewee in a matter of time.

Well, C went on his bounce house once & hopped in line to do it one more time before we could go.  He waited nice & patiently...and as soon as we got to the front & C's turn was next...the woman told us that the bounce house was now closed.  SERIOUSLY?!?! If they didn't immediately start deflating it, I would have nicely persuaded the woman to let my sweet boy to go one more time.  Even my super Mommy powers couldn't keep that darn bounce house inflated.  So as we walked to the car, C had entered grump mood & noted he had "an awful time."

Our next stop was Nana & Papa's.  Our bipolar 4 year old flipped his happy switch again & was ready for more fun.  Finding his hidden basket, hidden 'Name egg', and checking out all of his goodies was only the beginning.  

 The boys suited up, we packed up, took a detour to the bait shop & parked ourselves on the Causeway.

Connor was the most fashionable one on the beach!

Love Mr. Mischievous' face in this picture :) 

Since the water was easily cold enough to turn anyone blue, the boys eased their way in by skipping shells first.

C probably wouldn't have gone in if he didn't see Papa go in first.

Seriously, I have oodles of pictures of these two boys from the back & I love each and every one of them.

The big boys did the fishing & the little guy did the chatting.

Mama parked herself under a shading spot & C & I made a fun game of collect the seaweed blobs.

Easy entertainment & Mama got to sit.  We were all happy! 

C tried to cover himself with sand & I offered to help him out.  He loved it :)

He wears my glasses better than I do :)

The boys showed off their big catch of the day!  One monster sized pin fish!

C made friends with a few little boys just down the beach from us & they played in the sand a while, before he decided to load up & head back.

Nothing is better than a heated pool to wash off the sand & salt of the beach.  Papa & Matt took turns playing launch the lug-of-a-kid back & forth awhile.

As if we didn't have enough fun, Nana & Papa set up a water balloon hunt for Peewee.  Two coolers full of water balloons hidden all throughout the backyard = lots of giggles!  Papa was the only target :) Lucky him!  I tried to explain to C that if he aimed his water balloons at Papa's feet, they'd splash him just right since the grass helps bust the balloons.  C took my directions literally & kept telling Papa to stand still so he could hit Papa's feet (always while standing less than a foot away).

Everyone had fun getting Papa! 

Papa's always a great sport!  Connor had a blast 'smashing' Papa! 

Earlier in the week, Nana & C made some beautiful eggs!  I loved the colors. 

After supper with the fam, we snuck in a little hockey game (Matt got free tickets from a guy at work the day before).  We knew we were squeezing in the max amount of fun in one day & exhaustion was bound to set in, but C snuck in a little nap on the way to the he had a 2nd wind half way into the hockey game.  C's all-time favorite part of the hockey game was our walk to the car...when we found snow!  I guess we parked right where they dump their ice for whatever reason & man, did the boys have fun making snowballs!

It was a great little surprise to end our night!

Bunch Beach Boys

We are so lucky to live in FL.

We're even luckier that Nana & Papa live minutes from beautiful beaches.

Papa discovered a great sandbar down the street on their house and Peewee & I had fun checking it out too.  The wind was chilly & the water was ice cold, but that didn't stop us from having fun!

Connor liked playing in the "streams" running around the sandbar & playing jump over the seaweed blobs.

I'm sure it won't be long before we go back again!

(Although it's tough to tell in this picture, the boys are strolling out on the sand was pretty neat!)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

E.B. 2013

Every Easter we head to "Papa's favorite store" aka Bass Pro Shop to visit the Easter Bunny!

This year we got extra lucky & ran into Peyton, Baby CJ & family while we were there.  Tiffany served as my personal photographer with her fancy camera & snapped some cute pictures of C & E.B. :)

On our way home in the car, Connor starts with his questions...

"Mom, did the Easter Bunny have a helmet on?!  It moved funny when he moved.  I think it was a helmet."

"Are you sure he was the real Easter Bunny?!?!"

I was in shock.  I mean I recalled the photographer having to adjust the bunny's crocked head while it was Connor's turn to visit with him, but I didn't think anything of it.  I fumbled over my words to answer C's questions and did a lot of... "Hmmm...I'm not sure...I thought he looked like the Easter Bunny like he always does."

C went on to say "But the Easter Bunny didn't look familiar..."

*Sidenote: C uses the term "familiar" in the wrong context quite often

I tossed out the idea of if he thought the Easter Bunny didn't look like the real one, maybe he was one of the Easter Bunny's helpers.  Maybe the Easter Bunny had his paws full filling all the Easter eggs & baskets for Easter, that he needed to ask other Bunny Friends to help.

He went with it & we quickly changed the subject. :)  I'm so not ready for these questions!!

**I do agree though- The Easter Bunny does look a little odd when you can see into his meshy eyes**

After Peyton & her friend, Maddie, finished visiting with the Easter Bunny, the kids gathered for a serious discussion.  I overheard Peyton say "This is my friend, Maddie" and then I heard Connor mention something about how we always ride the elevator.  Funny kid talk.

This is what happens when you ask 3 kids to smile for the camera.

We all squished onto the elevator & headed down to check out the fish.  I'm always cheering inside when Connor remembers how to tell the redfish, snook & tarpon apart.

"Thats the redfish--he has the spot by his tail"

"Thats a 'snoot'-- he has the long line on his side"

"Thats a tarpon-- he's...extra shiney & has BIG eyes"

Bass Pro is always a fun trip for us! Big thanks to Tiffany for the photos!

Now it's a countdown until Easter...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Soccer Week 3

  I woke up with such anxiety before the game.  Its my job to get the car packed, get myself ready, make sure C was well rested, and take every little measure to keep C in a good mood so he's more apt to want to play.

On top of all that, I had to set my alarm extra early to call our security guard at the gate when their new shift change took place.  Someone was threatening to come "take" C, so I had to take the extra measures to make sure we didn't have any unexpected visitors. (Seriously...why God why?!?)

We were very excited to hear that Ki was in town this weekend, so she joined us extra early & headed to the field with us.  Nana & Papa were at the field to greet us when we got there.  The Sonics had team pictures bright & early.  C wasn't thrilled about having them, so I saw him hit the "I'm shutting down" faze before the soccer game even started.

After pictures, when the team gathered to practice, C chose to sit on the sidelines with me.  We tried to pull out all of our tricks.  I brought stickers as a reward.  Ki & C traded silly words which worked as a great distraction.  Matt kicked the ball around on the field for a few minutes.  Little by little, C got himself out on the field to practice.  After each goal (5 total), C headed on over to pick out a new Angry Bird or Toy Story sticker.  The technique was working!  

He started in the game & kept up with the blob of kiddies!

It lasted for a short few minutes and then he decided he was done playing.  He managed to stay on the field, but wasn't 'part of the game.'

C made his own game & started running along the painted lines on the field.

I was just glad to see him active & on the field :)  Baby steps.

Next weekend we're off of soccer for Easter weekend and I have to admit I'm looking forward to it.  A weekend off to do "Bunny" activities & having a Saturday with my boy sounds so refreshing!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The all day rain kept us in doors.  Time felt like it was crawling!  C & I were both not feeling the greatest, so we decided to pull our Easter stuff out & decorate eggs a little early this year.

Every year I fear for a recreation of the Whitaker Egg Dying experience when we were kids...when my little sister knocked the egg dye all over my Mom's cloth dining room barstools.  We managed to survive another year of egg dying without any messes (phew!).

I let go of all my OCD habits to make the perfect eggs & let C do it all just the way he'd want to.  Needless to say we had a lot of Angry Bird stickered eggs...and he loved every one of them!

Tahh Dahh!

Easter will be here soon!  Can't wait for C's egg hunt :)  Everything is so magical at 4 years old!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sonics- Week 2

My sweet little #4 was out on the field for game #2 of his season. sweet little #4 was out on the field for practice before game #2.

We tried so hard that morning to keep Connor excited about playing.  We got to the field early and Matt & Connor got some one-on-one practice in before the team arrived.  Matt worked with C on the art of trying to take the ball from an opponent.  Shortly after, C's team started to trickle in.  C told us he wanted to go play with his coach & darted over to him.  The kids all stood in line & took turns kicking into the goal.  Each goal was followed with a smile and a high five for his coach/Mama/Matt.  Things were looking up.  It was approaching game time, so the kids took their places to get ready to kick the ball off.  The coaches all decided they'd play with the pink soccer ball this time.  Suddenly, things began to fall apart.  C locked eyes with me & began to walk toward me.

"Mom, why are we playing with a pink soccer ball?!"

"I don't like pink."

With something so small, it meant the world to Connor.  I tried every trick in my Mom Book to take his mind off the pink ball, but C's hiney was already planted in my lap & I knew he wasn't getting up.  Matt & I sat through the game feeling powerless.  We couldn't push C out on the field if he wasn't going to go.  We accepted the fact that we may be sitting on the sidelines every Saturday for the rest of soccer season.  We accepted the fact that C will play if/when he's ready.  We knew one thing was for sure though--we won't let him quit.

I still had the away crowd peering through me the entire time & passing judgement, but I wasn't going to let it bother me.  I blended myself in with the other parents on the team and Connor was among two other Sonic team members that were too shy/anxious to go out on the field too.  It made me feel so much better knowing that I wasn't alone.

My sweet boy still had tears when we were legally forced to part and the moment he reached for me as his Dad carried him away was the moment my heart was once again ripped completely from my chest.  I didn't make it through the morning without tears myself, but it was slightly better than the previous week.

More exciting blog posts to come as we prepare for Easter soon :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Peewee Soccer!

Let me just start out by saying that I have the sweetest, most tender-hearted 4 year old boy.
I love him more than life itself and wish I could shield him from everything in this world.

Yesterday, was a big day for us.  Connor started U4 coed soccer on the "Sonics"!

He was cuter than ever in his #4 red jersey (we chose 4 because he's 4, of course!).
Connor totally looked the part with his cleats, high socks & shin guards.  He was the biggest kid on his team and had the most excited waving arms you ever did see.  Practice before the game was a hoot!  The kids stood in line & each got a turn to dribble up to the goal & kick it in.  Connor would come trotting back to give me a high five, all while tallying each time he scored a goal.

"I got 3 goals, Mom!"
"4 goals, Mom!"

etc etc etc up to 15 goals!

He was one proud little guy!

This game was also a first for all of us.  It was the first time we've had to gather both sides of Connor's family together at one time.  It's weird for me to even call it "Connor's family," because family to me is defined differently.  It's not just your genetic makeup that makes you family--its the unconditional love, support, and genuine care you have for one another.  I could go on and on for years about this topic, but I'll just keep to the topic.  

Connor had his "home" family present (Mommy, Matt, Nana & Papa) as well as the "away" crowd.  The "home" family knows Connor in and out.  We know what it means when he gets quiet.  We know what each type of cry means.  We know when he needs a hug and when he needs some space.  We tend to air on the quiet side---we're not yellers---we speak softly & are still able to get the same point across.  I won't funk-i-fy my blog with lots of discussion about the "away" crowd, but I thought I need to mention it since it is part of our memory of Connor's 1st game.  The "away" crowd takes on a more vocal, in-your-face approach, all without honestly knowing how Connor ticks.  There are a few mentally unstable members of the "away" crowd that throw in another interesting aspect to the whole thing.  

We do a ridiculous amount of grinning-and-bearing-it, all for the sake of Connor feeling comfortable.  There are many-a-times that my Mama Bear claws would like to be used, but I managed to clinch my teeth and do my best to shelter my little C the very best that I can.

So with all this present in the day light of Connor's first soccer game, the "away" crowd's use of yelling, pointing, directing, and down-right smothering tactics brought my sweet, tender-hearted boy to tears before his game was over.  They are the tears any Mom will see before they even come pouring out of her child's eyes.  They're the tears that start with a blank stare, what appears to be an emotionless face, that builds up to a direct run for Mom's arms, and end with welling up eyes & giant hard-to-breath tears.  

While I sat & consoled my precious big boy, the smothering words continued from the "away" crowd.  While I knew that they thought I was just babying my 4 year old on the sidelines, I was actually trying to shield him from the funk that brought him to tears in the first place.  It took a lot of quiet words between Connor and I, lots of hugs, more meltdowns, runny boogers streaming down his face, and a broken heart from his Mama before we got the tears to subside.  It was just the icing on the cake when I had to send Connor with the "away" crowd after the game.  I had one precious little boy that didn't want to go, while I had a group of insensitive beings feeling nothing but entitled to this time with Connor & they weren't leaving without him.  I have become at professional at the art of contorting my words so that they get my point across all while a psychological game to appease the "away" crowd.  I stayed with my C until his tears had stopped and then I peeled myself away to walk back to my car with Matt, all with tears flowing under my sunglasses.  It was a very tough day to say the least and there is a reason I do not carry a concealed weapon.
But on a high note, my precious C played great at his soccer game.  I will try to let the happy memories outweigh the not-so-lovely memories.  We have a plan to practice soccer this week and keep it exciting & fun for C, so that he's willing to go back next week.  Prayers are gratefully accepted at this time :)

No one messes with my kid...especially when I'm hormonal!!

We have big fun plans with Nana & Papa tonight to help end the weekend on a high note.  No one makes things better like Nana & Papa :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The latest

The last week or so has felt long. Exhausting. Non-productive. A complete blur.

The 'pregnancy fatigue' and all day 'sea-sickness' has been pleasurable!  My pants don't fit.  I'm busting out of my tops.  I might as well make the bathroom our new hangout since I'm urinating more than any human being should be.  I enjoyed a nice steak dinner date with my hubby last weekend, which quickly gave me a close up view of the inside of the restaurant's toilet bowl.  I could nap at any time of the day.  I put off going to the grocery store, because the sights & smells of certain foods make me queasy.  My cooking dinner usually consists of throwing something into the crockpot for Matt and leaving it until he gets home.  Opening the lid to the crockpot to check on it/stir releases smells I'm afraid to expose my K-9 nose to at the moment.

Today, I am feeling sluggish but less queasy.  C and I ventured to the grocery store and leisurely shopped, with lots of giggles and browsing.  I actually bought items for new recipes to try for my poor husband that is about sick & tired of dried crockpot chicken.  I am feeling more like myself and it feels great.

Don't get me wrong--  The sicky and fatiguey feeling is a reminder that my body's hormones are increasing & my insides are doing what they need to be doing to make a nice little home for our tiny fetus.  Pregnancy is the best reason to feel like poo.  I am so grateful for the gift of another precious babe.  

Pregnancy the second time around is a hiney-kicker.  I can't lay down and take a nap when I want to, or ever for that matter.  I have no choice, but to keep going in order to keep my 4 year old munchkin content.  This whole process just reaffirms that fact that I am a super hero.  I make people :).

So anyway--back on topic.  With feeling like a bulimic, sleep deprived zombie, C and I have managed to have a good time lately.  It's pretty hard not to though.  This kid is seriously the cutest ever.

 We ventured to Pump it Up last week to bounce, climb, and burn off some energy.  C made friends with another little boy right away & they were great playmates while I watched from the sidelines. *Yay for not having to climb through obstacle courses, myself!

Our busy weeks usually consist of showers downstairs, but we had some extra time to we bubbled up the tub and C took a leisurely bath.

Mama was feeling rough last Friday, so we decided to hang in the house for most of the day.  Jigglers kept Peewee happy for awhile!  He likes to play with them, while Mama likes to eat them.

Over the past few weekends, Matt got to work repainting the crib (Connor's old crib that needed a good touch up after Mr. Beaver Baby used the bars as teething rings).  Once it was assembled, Connor thought 'the cage' would be a cool place to hang out.

I need to go play with the Smurf now that I crossed blogging off my list for the day.  

Happy Hump day!