Saturday, October 28, 2017


Today was game 5 for Connor's soccer team.

The rain held off.

All the players showed up.

Everyone played awesome.

I had my camera with me.

AND the boys pulled off their FIRST big win of the season!

It felt like we won the World Cup!

Connor played so great & is the designated defensive captain that always manages to keep the ball away from his goal.  I LOVE watching him play & its even more fun to overhear parents talking on the sidelines talking about "...That Connor, #9, is awesome..."

With Matt coaching this year, it's double exciting when we have a big win!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Two blog posts in one night---Whoa!

Before I head to bed, I remembered I had Noah's 4th birthday photos readily available to post.

Last year, he was a "Threenager," but this year, he's so appropriately "The Boss."

Over the past few months, Noah has started becoming very lovey--lots and lots of hugs and kisses throughout the day.  He would play with Ella or Gia every day if he could.  Sleeps in Connor's room with him now.  And he loves to go to the gym everyday to play with his " bestfriends."  He is one funny little child and it's fun to watch him grow into such a little boy.

It's also so awesome to see him wearing Connor's hand-me-downs now.  How did my babies get to be so big?!

Well hello there...

So I may have forgotten I have a blog...


We've been busy with Connor's soccer (Matt's coaching & I'm team mom), Noah just turned 4, my photography is booked until February 2018, and Matt is working his tail off at work.  It's all good busy, but we're so so busy.

BUT...we weren't too busy to sneak in our once-a-year family photo session with my sweet photog friend, Brittany.

Our family (and my all of a sudden giant man-children) in our 2017 family photos.



When did my kids get to be SO big?!  I mean, Connor and I are wearing the same size shoe for goodness sake.  I'm so grateful to document their growth each year through all our photos.

Maybe I'll get caught up on here one of these days...