Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Noah's class

I may be living out of boxes...

I may have not slept more than 10 hours in the past 3 nights...

but when Noah's teacher noted that their school photographer was only doing individual photos of students and will no longer do class pictures, I grabbed my camera & came to the rescue!

I am beyond grateful to have such a sweet teacher for Noah AND that Noah happily goes to school each day.

Mrs. Beth's class - McGregor Baptist - 2018

Halle - Gordon - Eli - Trinity - Jeevan - Lily - Kane - Noah

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Katie's having a BABY!

My baby sister is having a baby!!

I could not be more excited!!

Today was the day we got to celebrate & all the details were just perfect.

My mom has a knack for this stuff and it was fun to see it all come together.

Countdown until "Cletus the-baby-with-no-name-yet Fetus" gets here!!

Kater is by far the cutest little pregnant lady that ever lived...

Another soccer season underway!

Another season for this cute kid...

His little brother changed his mind on playing this season (we'll try again in a few years).

Connor's skills improve each season & he currently dominates as Stopper.  If he isn't the captain of his defense, he's playing goalie.  His footwork is so impressive and is at a point where he should be playing competitive, but he's content hanging in rec ball. 

Love this boy!

(Buddies since VPK and another soccer season together--such sweet boys!)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Water bug

Last week, Noah frah-eeeked out when I told him he's officially done with swimmies at any time. 

This week, he's diving for toys like a champ.

I think he's over it.

(Photo cred to Connor Bear.  He's way braver than I am to get in our 60 degree pool right now).