Friday, September 27, 2013

It's Time!!!!

I've been on & off the phone with the Dr's office & Health Park...and I am officially that obnoxious patient that keeps calling...BUT you can't tell a patient that she needs to be scheduled to get her giant baby out, promise a date of next Monday, then take it back saying the hospital is full & I just have to be patient until another patient goes into labor before their scheduled C-section date so I can have their room.  I mean, REALLY?!?! You can't do that to a pregnant lady!!

With the date unknown, I began going crazy at home today!

Our bags are packed...

Connor's big brother gift is wrapped 
(big sorry in advance to Nana & Papa who will get to help C put together a Batman Lego set that he begged for at Target a few weeks ago).  I can guarantee he'll want to do it as soon as he opens the gift :).

While I don't think the picture makes my puffy feet look as scary, the foot discomfort has definitely set in.  Going up and down the stairs at home is pretty brutal.  Nothing like waddling from a bowling ball head between your legs AND trying not to bend your feet all that the same time.

I snapped a picture last week while I was half presentable.  I seriously can't get any larger.  My sister was sweet to point out that my giant belly helps make my bum appear smaller! 

I just got a call back from the surgery scheduler at my Dr's office and its now official--
In 3 days, on Monday, September 30th, I'm scheduled for a 10:30am C-section!

Let the crazy, emotional, baby preparation begin!

Friday, September 20, 2013

What's going on

Update: We've been busy.  I'm still pregnant.  I have the cutest kid ever.

I haven't made time to sit down & stay up to date on my blogging, so here is a giant spew of photos & stories to go along with them.  My pregnancy brain is pure mush, so bare with me!

Last week, Connor's school had a Bookfair as well as a Pre-K story night.  My little Batman fan scoped out the Bookfair on library day at school, so he came home asking if he could, "Bring coins to school soon, so he can get the Lego Batman book"  Nana caught wind of Peewee's request & wahhh-lahhh-- I have one excited little boy with a new Superhero book that we've read a good 6x already! 

The Pre-K story night was wonderful!  We got to go around the school & had different stories read to us in places like the art room, music room, and computer room.  It was a great way to entertain the kids as well as educate the parents on where the kids go each day at school.  Connor had a great time showing me around his school & his very, very favorite part is "Chapel."  Connor volunteered to help with "Chapel dance" on stage.  This hormonal Mama fought back tears as I watched my big boy dance and sing on stage.  I got a good 5 videos as well as somewhat blurry photos!  It was a proud Mama moment!!

"Get down...and Listen up!"
*Have I mentioned I love his school?!?!

Papa came home from work last week during lunch time to hang with Peewee for a bit.  These two are overly excited about this darn bird feeder and the blue jays/cardinals/squirrels that come out because of it!  Nana snapped a cute pic of the boys refilling their fancy feeder.

When I go to pick up C on Tuesdays & Thursdays after work, we could not be more grateful for our afternoon/evenings with Nana.  As I'm running low on energy lately, she does a great job entertaining Peewee & feeding us supper before we hit the road to go home.  I love watching these two together!

Last Saturday, I was beyond excited to have the entire day with C.  I contacted Lowes & we were lucky to catch another one of the "Build & Grow" sessions for kids.  Matt had to go into work that morning & Papa was working too, so I ventured out to take on the handyman project with C.  I should never be trusted to use a hammer on my own.  Our project to make the firetruck had a few blemishes and my perfectionist munchkin asked me a few times, "Why does that side look a little funny, Mom?!"  I just reassured him it looked great & we left with one cool firetruck toy!  I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life between trying to hammer hard while pregnant, perfect C's truck, all while acting like I knew what I was doing while C watched overhead.  All totally worth my happy guy with his new firetruck! 

In the past week, I have transformed into Fiona from Shrek!  My feet are 'bloated' at any given time during the day.  I didn't really understand why everyone was surprised I was going to try to work up until I deliver...all until my feet have blown up.  You will find me wearing Matt's socks and my sneakers completely unlaced & untied at work and in slippers toward the end of the day!  Dr says to not worry as long as my blood pressure is still low.  Thank goodness I can wear sandals most of the time!  Count down is on until I slowly get my body back!  

P.S. This is officially the longest I've ever been pregnant (37 weeks, 3 days).  

After our Lowes trip last Saturday, we headed on over to Aunt Debbie's for a family party to celebrate baby Noah!  I jumped through quite a few hoops to get to bring Connor, but was so thrilled he was finally able to go.  My precious big brother had so much fun playing with the kids & even had a few Big Brother gifts to open!

Could he be any cuter?!?!

My pruney boy spent a good 3+ hours in the pool, but we were finally able to lure him out for some food!

Mr. Big Brother was to open his new Lego Batman Movie!  All the kids cuddled up to watch the new flick!

If the fun from Saturday wasn't enough, I arranged to have Connor's very very best bud, Coen, come home with us after school on Monday.  They both hopped in the car together, buckled in, and my adorable child leaned over to Coen and said, 

"Coen, I am so so excited you're coming home with me!"

Oh the happy smiles!

I tried to strategically plan the afternoon with two active boys to help avoid any issues.  First stop--McDonald's for lunch & play!

They were so pumped to play toys together, so we headed back to our house after lunch.  I had hoped for a pool day to stay outside, but the rain had other plans for us!

I found myself playing referee at times.  Just when I thought Connor was a busy guy, Coen topped that, for sure.  He was so so so active & I think 4 hours of having the boys together may have been just a little too long.  Needless to say, Connor slept all through the night that night!

The boys still declared they were best friends by the end of their playdate!

The rain continued the next day at Nana's.  My Batman boy was decked out with his new umbrella & Batman attire!  Can you guess who we're planning to be for Halloween this year?!?!


Pregnancy update.  No photos to post lately---it's either because I've been in lounge clothes & no makeup lately, so I'm not quite photo happy...or its because I feel larger than an elephant!

Here's the latest from the Dr:

Baby Noah is measuring right on track for 37 weeks.  He's head down, but not yet settled into the birth canal.  My cervix is soft, but not dilated yet.  I've been having contractions randomly, but nothing to call the Dr about.  I go back to the Dr next Wednesday where I'm scheduled for an ultrasound to check on the baby's size (since my last Baby Connor was a giant).  Dr states that as long as all looks well for baby and me, he won't induce until we reach 39 weeks (for adequate lung/brain development).  I just plan to do lots of walking now (as much as my ginormous feet will allow) to help bring this little guy into 'position.'

Friday, September 6, 2013

My big boy :)

I only work two days a week.  I still count down every time until I receive my 12:00pm text message photo from Connor & Nana when he's picked up from school!

When the kids get picked up at school, to keep the Parent Pickup Line moving, the school asks that you don't get out of your car & move your car forward before buckling your child in.  I'm pretty sure this picture was captured just moments after Nana picked up C from school and pulled into a parking spot to buckle him in.  All before buckling him in, he decided to show off his treasure box reward and hang out in the sunroof.

Nana fought the heat & took my little adventurer to Lakes Park for a fun afternoon!  I always get a kick out of what dorky hat of Papa's she puts on C when they're out & about!  No matter what, Connor wears it well :).

The cool kid has got it made in the shade.

While Nana & Connor enjoyed a wonderful bike ride, picnic & ice cream treat, I was celebrating one of my last weeks at work for awhile with a nice baby shower!  

I'm planning on working up until this little baby decides to make an appearance!  The beauty of where I work is that if I go into labor at work, all they have to do is move me upstairs to deliver.

It was a great day!

Noah's room!

So it is ready!

Curtains are up.  Monitor is mounted.  Sheets are washed.  Drawers are stocked.  Closet is full.

And yes--I am going against the latest recommendations & I'm using a crib bumper.  I am 'that mom' that will have the monitor turned up so loud that I can hear each breath of my child until he's 4 years old...

Big brother used a bumper as well, so I feel confident in my choice to use one again.

AND instead of paying $100 for the Pottery Barn Kids bumper, I found one that matches perfectly on for $40.  Go me!

I was in need of a small side table to set Noah's sound machine on, but didn't have much space to work with.  I ordered a 'kid friendly' side table that is, indeed, kid friendly!  It's about the size of Barbie.  Haha!  Owell--it does the job & I assembled it all by myself.  Another 'Go me' moment!

Our monitor is mounted (see little white/black blob on left side of crib).  I had a standard monitor with Connor, so can't wait to be able to see what's going on instead of just listening & guessing.  Let's hope Noah doesn't reach out & rip the camera off the wall eventually...

I still have an oar to hang on this wall, but I'm waiting until I have a photo grouping on the wall as well.  Yes, I am grateful for the cushions I found to revamp my old glider.  And yes, it bugs me that the diaper trash can doesn't color coordinate with the room.

With only a few weeks left, all we have left to do is wait. :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend!

Oh, a three day weekend!

It was wonderful!

It allowed for Matt & I to tackle last minute things in the baby's room (hang curtains, mount video monitor, organize changing table, etc).  The highlight of my three day weekend was an extra day to have a weekend with my sweet boy.  Lizard hunting, bounce housing, and playing with cousins were just a few things we got to do!

My big guy knows how to scoop up lizards all on his own now.  He prefers the little ones, since he claims the big ones are 'biters.'  I have been very big on teaching him to not be afraid of anything, but this was one thing I couldn't get myself to do--touch a lizard.  Well, that was all until today.  His bug box bumped the ground & popped open enough to have two of his beloved lizards sneak out.  He was heart broken & in tears almost immediately.  All his hard work was escaping.  My heart broke for him & I had an out-of-body experience...a Mama Bear moment, if you will.  My lizard fears were put aside & I reached down & caught the darn little things for my teary boy.  Matt got a good laugh through the window watching!  So there you have it--I touched two lizards today.  If that doesn't show that I would do absolutely anything for my sweet boy, I don't know what does!

Since C was off of school for Labor Day, he was sent home with a little homework assignment for us to tackle together.  His first homework assignment.  It was something so small, yet so monumental to me.  This was the beginning of his many, many homework assignments I will be sitting down to do with him.  He's working on the letter "I" next week, so he had to cut out & color an indian. He had the option to color it however he chose, so, of course, we busted out the paint.  He did a little prep coloring with markers first.  Here's my little artist at work.

His finished product.  Gotta love homework in his undies!

While we were busy at our house, Uncle Craig rocked yet another fishing tournament.  No surprise there!  Picture courtesy of Facebook.

With the beauty of Facebook again, I was able to get this update on Papa in the Keys (with Eric).  Apparently three days of lobstering & they got the lobster limit each day.  Again, no surprise there!  Sounds like they had a great trip!

With Papa & Eric away, Nana took advantage of her weekend with Auntie Katie & Bobo.  Although I don't have any pictures from their visit this weekend, I thought it'd be a good time to share one of C's favorite pictures of Auntie Katie that we received last week.  

The hospital she works at has got to be one of the coolest places ever.  Auntie Katie won "Auntie of the Year" award after she hung with the one and only R2D2 at work!

To top off our Labor Day weekend, C's sound asleep & I'm enjoying some FSU football on tv!  Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! 

 Stay tuned for pictures of the nursery this week!