Friday, September 27, 2013

It's Time!!!!

I've been on & off the phone with the Dr's office & Health Park...and I am officially that obnoxious patient that keeps calling...BUT you can't tell a patient that she needs to be scheduled to get her giant baby out, promise a date of next Monday, then take it back saying the hospital is full & I just have to be patient until another patient goes into labor before their scheduled C-section date so I can have their room.  I mean, REALLY?!?! You can't do that to a pregnant lady!!

With the date unknown, I began going crazy at home today!

Our bags are packed...

Connor's big brother gift is wrapped 
(big sorry in advance to Nana & Papa who will get to help C put together a Batman Lego set that he begged for at Target a few weeks ago).  I can guarantee he'll want to do it as soon as he opens the gift :).

While I don't think the picture makes my puffy feet look as scary, the foot discomfort has definitely set in.  Going up and down the stairs at home is pretty brutal.  Nothing like waddling from a bowling ball head between your legs AND trying not to bend your feet all that the same time.

I snapped a picture last week while I was half presentable.  I seriously can't get any larger.  My sister was sweet to point out that my giant belly helps make my bum appear smaller! 

I just got a call back from the surgery scheduler at my Dr's office and its now official--
In 3 days, on Monday, September 30th, I'm scheduled for a 10:30am C-section!

Let the crazy, emotional, baby preparation begin!

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