Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Holy Busy...

So this month has been an absolute blur.

Matt & I are coaching soccer (I say I am, because I'm making sure he's got his act together behind the scenes).  Hosting practices twice a week & games on Saturdays.  The boys are tied for 2nd place, so it's been pretty exciting!

I'm averaging 4 sessions a week, which basically means I'm averaging about 4 hours of sleep at night to balance editing time and family time.

We just hosted a neighborhood Halloween party to meet our new neighbors.  In preparation for that, I got to mop THREE times yesterday--once to just clean, the second time when Noah spilled his orbies all over the floor, and a third time when the cat drug a lizard in the house & tortured it all over the tile floor until it looked like a tiny murder scene.  

Our cat went under a $2,000 procedure after he had a complete urinary blockage.  We were told it may occur again & the procedure couldn't guarantee a fix.  Fast forward to now & he's showing signs of a blockage forming.  I'm mentally preparing to have to explain to the boys that the cat may need to be put down.  Ughhh.

Speaking of dealing with possible death~
Noah's 5 year old friend at soccer experiences their dog dying & her parents had to explain to process of "death" to her.  So last week at soccer, Noah and her had a little conversation between two 5 year olds about what she had learned about death & heaven.  So Noah has now come to me a few times a week with tears puddling up in his eyes saying, "I don't want Daddy to die.  He has gray in his beard, so that means he's getting old and I don't want him to die."  His precious little heart.  Then the next night, after our nightly prayer when he was lying in bed quietly, he randomly says with tears in his eyes again, "I don't want to be the last one living in this house.  I'm the smallest, so I'm going to heaven last.  I don't want to be all alone here."  Oh, this boy & his innocent little thoughts.  THEN, the next day, Noah came to me with his Ipad and said, "Hey Mom.  You know Ryan on my YouTube videos (this millionaire kid that lives in CA & makes YouTube videos daily)… If he goes to heaven one day, does that mean I can meet him when I go to heaven?!"  Ughhh...yep buddy.

A toilet cleaner bottle broke randomly as I was cleaning a few weeks ago & the bottle spilled all over the carpet on the stairs as I was heading upstairs to clean.  So I get to get carpet replaced on stairs.  I know--awesome.

I'm sure there's oodles of other things, but that's all my brain can currently recall.  I woke with a sense of relief this morning, as I'm all caught up on editing, Halloween party is done, and I even get to sneak away for lunch with my Mom soon.

Here's to November!  May it be a little less chaotic!

*Oh and I know while I'm busy doing pictures for every one else these days, I'm slacking in having photos of my own kids.  I did sneak in Connor's Halloween and U10 soccer pictures (even if you can't tell that's Connor under the Fortnite Skull trooper mask, I promise it's him).

Sunday, October 7, 2018


This is the year of the big, fake muscles apparently.
I was going over all the boys' previous Halloween costumes & when Connor was Noah's age, he was into superheroes & was Batman (with the super amazing puffy muscle costume too).

We'll never have fun girly costumes like Unicorns or tulle skirts, but I'm pretty sure big, puffy, spandex, artificial muscle costumes are the awesome equivalent in boy land.

And I'd like to add that I have photographed a gazillion kids to this day & my boys will always be my hardest subjects.  Noah is my goofy kid, but is only goofy on his own account.  If you ask him to do something goofy, you'll be shut down.  It took a nice, calm chat with mom in the middle of sweating on the backside of a Coconut Point store (where I needed a solid wall in the shade for pictures) to get him to come out of his shell a little for a few minutes.  While he declined on the idea of actually running (his character, Dash, is known for running fast), I tried to improvise.

We ended with all smiles & he cashed in on a trip to Five Below to pick out goodies.

Still waiting on Connor's costume to arrive in the mail (pray his Fortnite character costume being shipped from China that was ordered a month ago will actually make it here in time)!!!

I give to you~ Dash from The Incredibles