Saturday, August 13, 2011

Vay-Cay 2011

Connor had a fabulous vacation with his World's Greatest Nana & Papa! They went everywhere from the zoo to fishing to bounce-housing to playground name it- he did it! He's still talking about how much fun he had :)

While Connor was enjoying himself, this lady was enjoying my first vay-cay post baby. It was very strange to only take care of myself and do activities that sounded good to me. Toward the tail end of our trip, I was going through some serious Connor withdrawal. Despite having an amazing time in Alaska, I was happy to see my precious little guy when I got home! Here are a few pics from our get-away (the scenery was beyond words...the pictures don't do it justice!).

Headed on our way...

Dining room :)

We be dancin'

The amazing sunrise (at 4:00am). Matt witnessed it...I was snoozin' :)

The beautiful view from our balcony

By far, the best part of our trip....kayaking! We saw sea lions, seals, and eagles!
You know we look good in our kayaking get-ups! :)

The view of the Mendenhal Glacier from our kayak

Train ride through mountains

Train ride ended at the top of the mountains in Canada.

The view from the front of our ship--Sawyer glacier.
It was stunning (and frah-reeezing!)

Formal night

Final stop in Victoria, B.C.
It was pretty, but didn't compare to the mountains & views in Alaska!

I got to see oodles of whales, sea lions & I was happy! :)
LOADS of pictures, but my munchkin has risen from his my time is up!
We had an amazing time!

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