Monday, August 16, 2010

Social Butterfly

Up until recently, Connor has gone from playing parallel with others to actually wanting to play with them! It doesn't seem like a huge deal, but I really enjoy watching him interact with other little kidlets. The other night we had supper and a play date at Kerri & Justin's house, where Connor had WAY too much fun playing with everyone!

Connor & Matt developed their own little wall ball game in the hallway. Connor thought it was HILARIOUS to throw the ball & watch it ricochet off the doors/walls. It was cheap entertainment at its finest!

Connor was playing peek-a-boo with Austin around the corner! Side note: Connor and Austin are 4 years apart & Connor is already wearing Austin's hand-me-downs. He's currently sporting Austin's jammies--size 4T! :)

Connor was getting his flirt on with little Miss Kaylee, but she was not interested!

"Hey Matt! Wanna come play?!"

We had a great time once again at the Sears' residence! Can't wait to do it again!


Brittney said...

Did you do like 5 post in one day.... or am I just missing something! I love when you post! I love seeing that darling little man of yours! Im so glad you are happy! It shows!!

Katie said...

Don't you love watching littles interact with each other? It is so funny to see their reactions to other kids! And, 4T??? I would LOVE to see him and Kylie together. She is still chunky but so short. She could probably wear 4T waist but would need about 12 month length. HA!! I don't know how you find time to blog, but I LOVE that you do!! I love seeing Connor's happy little face :) Have a great day!