Saturday, December 8, 2012

Neighborhood buddies

Last night was our community Christmas party.  It was full of noise, kiddies, and long lines for the Clydesdale carriage ride.  We spent a good amount of time in the community playroom trying to carry conversations with other neighbors over the noise & chaos of our surrounding children!  Connor had a tough time warming up to the new crowds, but once he discovered a bowling game...he was golden!  *Mental note to add a bowling set to Connor's Santa list.  After the crowds started to piddle out, we offered to continue the fun at our house.
We jammied up, popped in a Chipmunk movie, got the fire going in the backyard, and enjoyed a late night!  The kids were cozy in the living room & the adult were actually able to exchange quite a few uninterrupted words!  Success! 
The kids set themselves up with pillows & blanket all on their own.  I walked in to find them cozy on the floor.
The night ended late for the kids---and C broke down in tears since he didn't want his friends to leave.
Luckily, the kids only live across the street, so I see future nights like this soon!

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