Sunday, July 21, 2013

Another week's gone by...

After we got home from our vacation, we've tried to keep things exciting and new around here!

I'm starting to really try to soak up my last days of Peewee being my one and only.

He is so fun to be around & is honestly my little best bud.  He gets so excited about the smallest things & he's so refreshing to be around.  The other night I took C for a bike ride (where he rides and I try to walk & keep up with him).  He suggested we hold hands while he rode, so "I'd be safe."  He'd have us stop at each stop sign to make sure the "coast was clear," before we would cross.  It was all so adorable and it was one of those just Mommy and Connor moments I'll never forget.

C suggested we have a supper picnic in the driveway like we used to at our old house.  We turned a normal evening into a fun meal outside.  I did my best to squeeze my rear onto the bench :).

Our neighbor down the street is pregnant too and is due in about a month.  She was put on bedrest, so C & I offered to take one of her sons with us to Pump It Up.  C was thrilled the have a playmate on all the bounce houses and I enjoyed sitting :).

Bobo is enjoying a little vacation at Nana & Papa's house this week while Auntie Katie & Eric are in the Keys.  C loves any chance he can get to play with Bo (AKA tell him what to do, talk to him, and have him follow him around).

Bo is seriously the best dog to have around a kid.  Since I don't have Coopy anymore, I'm so grateful to have a dog around that Connor is able to grow up with. I hope C continues to love dogs as much as I do (although I dread the day he asks me for it will be payback from what I used to do to my Mom).

With pregnancy keeping me from riding my bike or running and Matt's knee surgery keeping him out of commission as well, C was thrilled to have bike riding buddies the other night.  Nana & Papa are the best :). 

With Matt off crutches, he's finally able to go upstairs!  Yesterday, he was thrilled to hang new curtains I got for the playroom!  One more house project complete before baby arrives!  We hung a few things in the baby's room too, but I'll save nursery pictures until its complete. 

This coming week we have Nana's birthday and an ultrasound appointment to look forward to! Yay yay!

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