Thursday, June 25, 2015

Finally some more blog posts...

I want to apologize to my devoted readers
(aka G.G.),
for my lack of posting in the last month!

I've been rather busy with my photography ventures & I've been slacking on taking photos of my own kids.  It doesn't help that Noah is moving non-stop, whines when I pull my camera out, or I'm busy holding him which makes it tough to lug around my big camera.

Here are a few photos I've managed to take on my phone (one day I will find time to dump a bunch of videos on here).  Noah is a hilarious little booger, so I have oodles of videos of the boys together lately.

Connor is waiting on me to play Mario Kart (my promised bonding time with him while Noah's napping), so I have to be quick.

About a week ago, we headed up to the Causeway with Nana & Papa to get out & explore.  Easy, cheap entertainment is finding shells, seeking out critters, and running from the rain clouds.

Noah thinks he owns the town.  Literally.  He's the most independent---I do everything myself---kid.  He will insist a particular person hold his cup while he drinks it.  He will prefer a different person put his cup away.  He demands ice cream all day long.  C & I have to refer to it as our code word, "cheeseburger," so Noah doesn't know what we're talking about.  He's very particular.  He won't hold your hand anymore.  He's Mr. Independent.

And these two.  After a long week with the boys while Matt was traveling for work, I ended the week with this beautiful sight in my backseat.  No denying that these boys are brothers.  Rubber necks and all.

Connor is begging me to go play.  Sorry G.G.! I promise to keep up with my kid picture taking/blogging more!!  We have the kid fishing tournament this weekend, so promise to get more then!

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