Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Spontaneous beach trip!

At first, I thought we'd do the pool.

Then, I thought we'd do the Causeway.

Then, I checked with Ki to see if they'd like to join us.

When they noted they were already at Sanibel, our quick trip to the Causeway turned into a trip to Bowman's beach from 8:30am-12:30pm!  It was a beautiful day with wonderful company!

Noah was content with his shoes on at all times (not a fan of sand), bouncing between throwing shells in the water, and devouring some goldfish crackers on the shore.  He was a busy body to keep happy, but he was happy!

This water bug spent a good amount of time shell and sand dollar hunting!

These cute kids were in my perfect models :)

Connor adores his play time with Deb.  He was happy to show off his baby sand dollar.

When all else seems boring to this goob, I put a sea pen to good use & wrote the alphabet in the sand.

He was thrilled to point out his letters to me.

Noah was wiped out before we got back to the car & Connor even snoozed in the backseat on the way home.

Both kids were content all morning, I got some fresh air, and we were surrounded by some great family.  It's hard to beat days like this.  Here's to early bedtimes for all now!  I'm wiped out!

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