Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Soccer 2016!

This child can dominate in any sport.  Basketball, football, and now, soccer.  He has really come out of his shell & has become so competitive.  He follows sports scores on ESPN like a grown man.  He keeps track of his soccer team's record and the record of the teams he playing against.

He even found himself comfortable as goalie.  This was all until last night.

I opt to take the kids' pictures for school and sports instead of ordering the cheesy packages they offer.  Since individual player pictures for soccer are this weekend, I took Connor out last night in his uniform to get a few 'professional shots.'  We brought along his buddy, Michael, and Matt & I played them in a soccer game post pictures.  All was going well until about 5 minutes before we were getting ready to head home.  Michael went in to score & Connor (goalie) came out to block his shot.  Connor dove on the ball like a champ, but unfortunately, Michael slammed his kick right into Connor's right hand.  Tears instantly.  It was hard to tell if it was a serious injury or just a finger jam at first.  As we backed up to go, Connor couldn't move his 3 fingers and his middle finger started to swell.  I kept my calm manner and have-no-fear-face on, but started to worry that he broke his finger.  After phone calls to family members, Googling finger jams, calling local Urgent Care centers, icing his hand, and wiping away tears, we opted to wait until morning to figure out if an x-ray was needed.

When my sweet boy woke this morning, he could move 2 out of 3 of the injured fingers.  The swelling had gone down a bit, so I made the executive decision to tape his fingers & sent him to school.  He was excited to show off his soccer injury to his classmates and like the fact he won't be able to write in class for a few days until his fingers heal.  Hoping it continues to feel better after he gets home from school, so we can avoid medical treatment!

Seriously, how cute is he?!
(These photos were pre-finger injury obviously)

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