Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ALL boy!

My blogger friend, Danielle, and I have been trying to get the boys together for a playdate for over a year! We always seemed to tell eachother that our boys had so much in common & we were interested to see them together in action! Well this past week, we got our schedules to align & had a long, awaited playdate. Boy, were we right! Our precious little monsters had a good time together, although we are at a stage where sharing is not our strong suit! Connor randomly had his end-of-the-world-devastating tantrum when he noticed that Ryder had the same monkey tube that he has at Nana & Papa's house. Keep in mind, Connor could really care less about the tube when he's at Nana & Papa's, but since Ryder had it, Connor had-to-have-it. Distracting and removing ourselves from the scene seemed to help and we tried to get the boys involved in activities that didn't involve sharing :). Ryder and Connor made great 'racing' buddies, as they flew around the living room and kitchen area after one another. They are definitely all boy with their not-so-gentle handling of one another, but they both seemed to tolerate it well! This Mama was able to sneak in a little baby time with Ryder's new baby brother, Landon. Overall, we had a great time and look forward to getting the boys together again in the future!

You have no idea how much bribing and wrangling it took to get these two busy bodies to sit still next to eachother for a picture!

This picture makes me laugh, because this face is Connor's hulk face! He clinches his teeth together and appears to want to hurt someone, but I'm pretty sure its harmless ;). Its more like his I-love-you-so-much-I-could-squeeze-you face!

The little jailbirds at the top of the stairs


Thanks again for having us over, Danielle!

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