Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th!

This 4th of July was Connor's 1st time seeing fireworks...
and I had no doubt that he would love them.
He's never been one to get scared by loud noises...
He's the child that laughs harder
the louder you yell & try to scare him.
Needless to say, I was right :).
He loves the "ire cackers" and loved the "pop, pop, pops."

We did lots of walking and trading off lugging the 40 lb kiddo...

He got quite a few compliments on his cool red shades.

Being around swarms of people makes me slightly nervous with a little child, but we did great & Connor stayed content for the 3.5 hours we were there (including the 1/2 drive home thru crazy traffic lines).

When it was firework time, Connor just kept pointing, then waving & yelling "HI fireworks!!"
It was pretty darn cute!

"HIIII fire works!"

Lots of fireworks...

We had a great 4th of July & hope you did too!

1 comment:

Brost Family said...

Your little family is just the cutest!!!