Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Noah cuteness

I found a few random Noah pictures on my phone from this week.

Here's a little baby cuteness for you :)

Mr. Blue Eyes only wants to sit up now.  
In his carseat...in his tub...in his stroller...he's determined to perfect this new 'trick.'
Sitting up in the stroller is great for him to see new sights, but not got great for trying to get him to lay back & fall asleep.  He officially hates the jogging stroller now.  Bye bye easy naps in the stroller.

Cute squishy clean-ness after his nightly bath.

This cute ginormous forehead can now fit into more hats from his wardrobe.  Here's his safari bucket hat, similar to his big bro's.

Insert funny caption below.

And last but not least, here's what Noah has to say to a certain someone after the rough mediation session Mommy had today.

How can you not laugh at this silly vulgar baby?!
Good night everyone!

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