Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Good busy

My children have been busy growing up this week!

We finally encouraged this child to break free from his training wheels!  It took a ton of encouragement, but we got him to give it a try.  He couldn't understand why he couldn't ride his bike 'super fast' like he always does, so he didn't have much patience trying things out nice and slow.  We got a few tries up and down the street, before Peewee was good & over it!

To help build up his confidence (and just focus on balancing for now), we headed to the park to practice riding on the football field.  Both boys were good & sweaty by the time we were done for the afternoon.  I did my best cheering from across the field, all while video taping, photographing, and feeding Noah his lunch from the trunk of my car.  I'm Queen Multi-Tasker!

Baby steps today with the bike riding on two wheels.  Hope to get more practice in again soon.

While big bro was busy growing up in the bike riding department, this little guy was celebrating his 1/2 birthday.  SIX months already.  I'm in denial.

Big guy is rolling both ways, scooting to get around (he only goes backwards), and wants to stand all the time.  He's eating food like a champ these days.  Everything he can reach, he grabs, and moves it straight for his mouth.  Connor & I have had lots of talks about leaving out toys that are too small for Noah to be around.  Our rule is, if the toy is smaller than Connor's hand, it has to be put up high.  We'll see how well that rule works.  Legos and Squinkies scare me to death.  

Noah's nap schedule is pretty set.  He naps every 2-3 hours.  Nights are still unpredictable!  He sleeps pretty well from about 7:30pm to around 2:00am.  From that point on, he's up about every hour until 6:00am.  Eek!

While big bro was a master at sitting up on his own at this age, Noah is more interested in working on crawling/standing and less interested in sitting up.  Any time we try to practice sitting, he straightens his legs out, pushes himself back, and insists on standing.

Although a little wobbly, we had the munchkin sitting in a restaurant highchair for the first time on his 6 month b'day!  He loved being able to grab toys off the table from his own little seat.

Little by little, our outings are getting easier.  We ventured to lunch the other day & it was pretty painless!  Yay!

I vow to get more videos of the boys together.  I can honestly say I never imagined Connor would love his baby brother so much so early.  I love the moments when Connor goes in to see Noah after he wakes and I just see Noah smiling and kicking in excitement over the monitor.  Noah can't do a whole lot yet & Connor can't get enough of him.  I can't wait to see how their relationship unfolds as Noah gets a little bigger.

I was able to get Noah to sit up for quite a bit on his own without teetering over to the side.  I, of course, tried to catch a cute photo with him upright.  Man, I'm going to miss that wide, gummy smile when he's teeth start coming through!

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