Friday, August 21, 2015

The final days of summer

With school starting on Monday, we have been trying to savor the last few days of summer.  

On Thursday, I had a novel idea.  The boys LOVED dog sitting for our neighbor's dog a few months ago, so I asked them if we could borrow their dog, Tyson, for the afternoon.  They happily agreed!  I knew my house was due for a good cleaning, so didn't worry too much about having him in the house.  The boys were thrilled.  Having Tyson around made our normal day around the house that much more exciting.  

We bathed him.  We walked him.  Noah crawled all over him.  Connor cuddled him every chance he got.  He hung with us while we played with all the neighbor kids.  He was the best companion.

The boys reap the benefits of having a dog around & we can take him home when we're done.  It's really the perfect scenario! 

Then today, Matt got off work early & we planned a last minute trip to Venice Beach to hunt for shark teeth.  Matt picked up some kitty litter scoopers to use as our sand sifters & we were on our way!  We found about 5 sharks' teeth before Connor decided he wanted to build a sand castle.  We were just happy to have scored at least one shark tooth, so we didn't have a disappointed boy on our hands.  Noah wasn't crazy about the sand all over him, but once he started making turtle and octopus shapes in the sand with our beach toys, he was content!

Connor put the final touches on his masterpiece & it was really cute to watch him in action.

If only I pulled my camera out at our other memorable beach trip moments!  When it was time to head out, all the boys rinsed off at the beach showers & they just couldn't seem to get all the shells/sand out of their suits!  They all managed to get shovels full into their britches, so it was quite fun cleaning it all out.  Noah was beyond happy frolicking around naked in the outside showers!

Once we made it back to the car, I noticed that Connor's shorts didn't make it into our beach bag (he accidentally tossed them in the hamper at home instead of putting them into our beach bag before we left the house).  I had to think fast, since Connor's only bottoms were soaking wet & still packed full with grits of sand and shells.  I gave Connor a pair of my extra shorts for the time being and headed to the closest Target to grab him some shorts.  All worked out just fine & we had a great dinner before heading home (great is defined as Noah sat still through the entire meal and both boys behaved beautifully).  Our short trip to Venice was very worth it & a fun summer memory!

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