Thursday, November 12, 2015

The latest

So here's what we've been up to lately...

We had a change of pace in the morning where we weren't giving Michael a ride to school since they were out of town and our neighbor, Lydia, needed a ride instead.  It was so funny to see the dynamics change in the car with a girl around my boys.  Lydia hopped in the car all chatty & C tried to discuss Fantasy Football stats and NFL players with her to quickly realize she had no clue what he was talking about.  They finally found common ground talking about AR books from school & it was so cute to see my 1st grader giving his kindergartener buddy tips on how to read, as if he was in kindergarten so very long ago.  We had lots of giggles in the car that morning.

This kid really couldn't be any funnier.  He's a mimic-er and makes me sing a variation of songs in the car now (a good mix of the "Wheels on the Bus," "Patty Cake," "ABCs," "Open, Shut Them," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," and "Mr. Sun").  He does the hand motions and sings the words along with me.  If he's not making me sing, he shouts out, "Animal sounds," and waits for me to name random animals, so he can tell me what the animals say.  It's easy entertainment, but tends to grow old quickly!

This kid still loves his ABCs all day and every day.  After his 2 year old checkup this week, the Dr. was shocked & stated that Noah is at the level of a 4-5 year old in VPK.  It's great to hear as a parent, but still makes me laugh inside.

Then, C had a day off of school yesterday & was finally able to make a fishing trip down to Papa's trailer.  He was up bright & early and was wiped out when he got home just before bed time, but boy-oh-boy did he have a good time!  He brought home a list of all the critters they saw during their day and all the fish he caught (22 total)!  Big thanks to Papa, Nana, and Uncle Pete for making C's day!!!

Countdown is on until C's 7th birthday celebrations are underway.  More photos to come!

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