Monday, September 13, 2010

A day on the boat

One of my fondest childhood memories was going out on the boat with my family. I am so happy to share that with Connor. He is such a water boy & loves the outdoors, so we knew he'd love it from the first time he stepped foot on the boat. This past weekend was such a nice getaway. We didn't putt around too far, but we were able to find a perfect spot to swim, caught lots of bait, met up with Uncle Craig & Auntie Nicole, caught lots of fish, and caught a nice nap too! The weather was perfect! The photos will help narrate the trip :)

Connor loved the duty of picking up the shiners & tossing them into the bait well after Papa caught them all!

When the bait well was full, Connor thought it was even more fun to toss the bait overboard...and watch all the birds (AKA "dee") swarm the boat!

This child was LOVING life!


After catching some bait, we caught up with Craig & Nicole for a nice little swim on the sandbar.

Mommy wasn't planning on getting in, but Connor insisted!

Uncle Craig & Papa introduced Connor to sand dollars...and the yellow fingers that come from holding sand dollars too long!

Connor & his Papa :)

Connor was getting a kick out of his Uncle Craig quacking like a duck!

"Papa, hold this sand dollar & watch what magically happens to your hands. If you look at mine, you can see."


More chuckles for Uncle Craig's funny antics!

Craig & Nicole on their pretty boat! We were so glad we met up with them.

A nice little jacket pillow, fast boat, and some wind always equal a nice nap!

After nap time and lunch, we got to watch Papa reel in some fish!

The start to many many more fish pictures for Connor.

The ride back in...

"Heyyyyyyy Papa!"


Brittney said...

I love boating.... but would ever touch that alligator infested water!!!!

Connor & Mama said...

Oh Brit--have no fear of the gators in that water...just the sharks! :)

Brost Family said...

Love the pics, especially the "giggles"!!!