Monday, September 20, 2010

Sanibel trip!

Matt & I loaded up the bikes, Connor's giant helmet, sunscreen, lots of water, and headed down to Sanibel to spend the day last Saturday. Our first stop was a restaurant we could sneak in and sneak out with a noisy toddler. I spotted the "Island Cow" and thought it would be perfect! Well, I rarely like to admit when I'm wrong...but I was wrong! We went in to a very cute little restaurant, but thats what it was...little. The tables were rather close & I felt as if we were on center stage for this entire restaurant. So my precious little munchkin decided to stress Mommy out by sweetly yelling his new sounds out at the tops of his little lungs.

"Dahhhhhhh Deeeeeeee Dahhhhhhh Deeeeeee!"

Over and over and over.

No matter how much food I tried to feed him and keep his mouth distracted from making noise, he still managed to attract the attention of the entire restaurant. Connor was being a good boy though. He wasn't crying. He wasn't screaming in anger. He was excited to show off his little voice. Just chose to do it in the not-so-ideal place! So once we scarfed our lunch, we snuck outside as quickly as possibly to say hi to the birds. Matt snuck a few pictures in before we headed off to Ding Darling for our loooooooooooooooooong bike ride. Thank you, Matt, for putting up with my constant "Are we almost done?" and "You think we're almost there?!" :) We went about 8 miles and I was worried about my little smirf's face burning up in the sun (even though he was lathered in sunscreen). Connor slept the whole way and was wide awake when we loaded in the car completely exhausted! We managed to get some exercise, enjoyed a day out together, and had a content toddler, so the trip was very much worth it!

*We weren't sure why the cut out on the cow was in the eye hole, but still thought it would be a cute pic.*

*Look for the precious little person at the bottom of the photo staring up in complete wonder! He was precious! BUT no--Mommy will never have a bird in the house, so don't even think about it!*

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