Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Slightly belated...

Through the whirlwind of planning a wedding and gearing up for moving & the new house, I've been a little busy the past few weeks.  Not to mention, I have a 3 year old that must have the Energizer Bunny in his bloodline somewhere, because he never, ever, ever stops moving or talking. Ever.

Although we had a wonderful day celebrating Matt's 34th birthday last Thursday, I still wanted to give him an extra birthday "shout out."

To the guy that brings out the best in me, goes above and beyond to make sure I'm my happiest, who makes my little boy giggle louder than anyone else with his tickling, who works long, hard hours to help support our little family, and who I will be marrying in just 4 short months...

Happy (belated) birthday Matt!!

We love you!


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