Friday, November 16, 2012

Birthday excitement begins...

I'm still in denial that my baby will be {FOUR} in just 2 days.
I would relate the depression to if I were turning {FORTY}.
Despite the occassional wet bedtime diapers, all signs of babyhood are out the window...and I miss it!
While I really adore this age, I can't believe Connor is so old already.
I was talking to a patient at work today about how my precious guy had a big birthday party on Sunday and that I hate the fact he'll be four already... & I got a surprise text from Nana.  Nana explained that they just stopped at G.G.'s house to visit & pick up a few special birthday gifts.  When I saw the picture come through with the text, I couldn't help but smile!
The birthday fun had begun at G.G.'s and Mr. Kermit was enjoying every bit of it!
A Scooby Doo Movie?!?! Guess what C insisted on watching when Mama got home from work :)
G.G. sure knows how to make this little boy smile!
When I got home from work, I pulled in to find Nana parked in the driveway with a sleeping Connor in the backseat.  When I opened the door to scoop Connor out, he awoke, grinned real big, and goes "G.G. got me a Toy Story card with STICKERS!"
My heart smiled.
G.G. did one great job of making this Mama feel better about C's birthday! 
Love you TONS G.G.!!!! Thank you :)

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