Saturday, April 6, 2013

Phone photos from the week!

Fun phone photos from the week :)

Connor was being himself the other night & hiked up his shorts as high as they'd go...then announced he was "Ferb" from "Phineas & Ferb."  Great resemblance!

Mommy was brave enough to sport a swimsuit in public the other day & we headed to the pool.  We spent a good 2+ hours swimming, fountain-ing, and being silly.

Yesterday, C & I decided to bake cupcakes for a Gender Reveal party that night.  C loves to break the eggs & lick the beaters.  While I avoid eating raw cake mix while housing the fetus, I figured a little beater licking wouldn't hurt Peewee (since I have eaten a good amount of batter in my day & survived!).  C barely let me mix the cake before he was grabbing for the beaters :).  He is soooooo my child!

And our big announcement for the week...

After 4 years of alligator wrestling/screamfest haircuts, we finally had a happy experience!  Mama's solution: During C's buzzcut, he was allowed to take all of his haircut hairballs & make a Chewbacca out of it!  My best Mom suggestion to date!  He wanted me to keep cutting his hair, so he could make a bigger Chewbacca!!! Once the haircut was over, he kept saying "Mom! I didn't even cry."  We were both so proud!! :)

I know after having another baby my heart will grow to love the next one just as much, but right now its hard to imagine loving anyone more than this little guy.  He holds my heart :)

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