Monday, November 11, 2013

Good times...

We had the fussiest, longest day ever...
and then God gifted me an 'easy day.'

The good days help us get through the not-so-good ones!

We, then, decided to try out the Fair right down the street from our house.  Connor was in Heaven!  Matt & Connor went on every ride that C was tall enough for!  It was so funny for me to watch & worry about Connor, but once the rides were going, it was Matt I needed to worry about!  Those same rides we went on when we were kids are tougher on your body when you're older!  They had a blast though!

My little Fair buddy snoozed for most of the night.  When C had about 4 rides left, this little Nugget decided he was wide awake & hungry! Peewee had his heart set on more rides & wasn't ready to leave yet. So... I did it again.  Nursed in public.  At a dirty fair.  Luckily, we stayed covered & I didn't give anybody a free show!

This makes me laugh.  The lamest Fun house was Connor's top attraction as he pretended they were Batman characters going through Joker's Fun house!  While each person rolled their eyes after going through the boring Fun house, C kept asking to go through it again!  Matt was such a trooper & did whatever C wanted him to do! 

I was not going to go crazy with filling the house with giant baby gear with Noah, but after the fussiest day ever...I did some research on swings, found one with amazing reviews, found it brand new at a kid consignment store & bought it!  So far I've enjoyed a peaceful shower & was able to get C ready for school this morning with free arms!  I think it was worth the purchase!

After having Connor, I learned not to stress over developmental guidelines.  You can't compare your child to others!  They all tackle milestones on their own time.  Well, Matt & I were both in the livingroom while Noah was having some 'tummy time' & we witnessed him roll over for the first time.  Its usually just a fluke at this age, but Noah managed to do it 3x in a row!  We cheered, took pictures, then I started thinking... no more leaving him on my bed for naps or stepping away from him on the changing table anymore!  This strong little booger is slowly on his way to becoming mobile. Eeeeeeeeeek!

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