Monday, January 19, 2015

No school!

With another day off of school today, Connor and I agreed it be a great day to venture to our favorite spot on Sanibel.  It was a chilly 60 degrees this morning, so we knew going in the water was not in the cards, but tree climbing and hide & seeking was WAY more fun on the beach.  I was thankful for a morning out of the house & was even more grateful that we managed to leave the sand at the beach when we got in the car to come home.  A trip to the beach alone with two kids isn't easy, but we simplified things (no beach toys/water play/rolling around in the sand) which worked out great!

C & I worked together to keep Noah awake on the drive back, so we could fully enjoy his nap while at home.  Score!

My cute little climber

We did a lot of hide & seek with Connor's pretend Avenger friends (I believe Spidey & Iron Man met us at the beach).  The tourists walking the beach & taking photos were getting a kick out of us looking for our hiding super hero friends.

 The best spot on Sanibel.

When we ran out of hide & seek spots, we opted to explore some trails & take a snack break.

Noah hung near me for most of the beach trip, as the chilly breeze was not his favorite.  Once we busted out the Cheetos and a walkway out of the wind, he was happy to frolic around on his own.

We missed Matt there this morning, but still had fun just the three of us.  Now, here's to hoping Noah takes a 4 hour nap! :)

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