Monday, January 26, 2015

Ohhhh sickness...

Noah's been sick since LAST Monday evening.  

Two red eyes, runny nose, and HORRIBLE crabbiness.

Connor was only sick once as a baby at 13 months, only because he was put on antibiotics for a possible ear infection prior to his cyst removal surgery.  He did not have an ear infection & we ended up with Connor having a terrible case of diarrhea from the antibiotics.  That was as close as Connor came to really being 'sick.'

Noah, on the other hand, has been diagnosed with Second Child Syndrome.  He gets sick from any germs that enter our house courtesy of big brother going to school now.  He has been sick more times than I can count.  Sick. babies. stink.

So on day 7, he is slowly acting more like himself.  Aside from the boogers and drool, he's all better.

Wooooooo freakin Hooooo!

Now, let's pray no one else in our house gets it.

Happy Monday!

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