Tuesday, April 7, 2015


My littlest bunny decided to wake at 5:30am in an outright cry.  I'm almost guaranteed a night waking with Noah on the night's he's been with a babysitter.  It's great & all that he missed me & needs just one good cuddle before going back to sleep, but it's also nice when he sleeps through the night!  I managed to get him back to sleep, but I was now too awake to go back to sleep.  I opted to edit Katie's wedding pictures while I waited for my boys to wake.  Connor was cuter than anything walking into my room at 7:00am chipper and loud, "Happy Easter, Mom!" and "Happy Easter, Matt!"  He went on to say, "I prayed on my way down the stairs and thanked God for holidays.  I love holidays!"  Is he not the cutest?!

C scoped out his Easter pile from us (this year it included Avengers swimwear, Bebop from the Ninja Turtles, 'Surprise Eggs,' and a 'Blind Box' with an Avengers character in it).  C is all into the blind box phenomenon that is going around among all 5-7 year olds.  You basically buy a toy in a box, but don't know what it is until you open it.  He was THRILLED to see his box contained Spiderman, since he claims it's his favorite character these days.

Once the Noah Monster was up, we headed outside on our egg hunt.  C got to claim the goods in all the eggs this year, but pretty sure Noah will want in on the egg fillers next Easter.

Side note:  Noah had no idea the bunny ears were on his head.  He wore them for a good 20 minutes.  Once he ran and felt something flop around on his head, they were off & never returned again.  It was cute while it lasted!

We played basketball outside & had a nice, lazy day around the house.  After Noah woke from his nap, we headed to Nana & Papa's for more Easter fun.  C looks forward to his tradional Easter water balloon hunt.  His main target this year was his new Uncle Eric.

Noah sprung a hole in his water balloon & got a kick out of the tiny squirt hole in it!

This kid was full of giggles.

Welcome to the family, Uncle Eric.

Some very well dressed babies.

And the prettiest lab you ever did see.  Love you Bobo.

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