Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Kindergarten awards!

Just finished up at Connor's school for his Kindergarten awards.  Each kid in the class got a 'candy award' and Connor received the "Smartie Pants" award.  While I was grateful he was recognized for being so smart & didn't receive something like the 'gummy wiggle worm' award, Connor was excited to receive smartie candy instead of  something chocolate!  He was also recognized for his high reading level in AR books and receiving all A's.  Connor rocked Kindergarten.

Hard to believe in just a few weeks, Connor will be considered a 1st grader.  Really, I'm in denial.

He was so proud to have Me, Matt, and Noah there.  Noah would say, "Ton-tor" and run over to Connor's seat where the boys would smile at each other & then Noah would run back to us.  It was beyond adorable & I loved to see how proud Connor was to have his brother there.  Noah was distracted with the ABCs on the classroom wall and number displays (along with lots of snacks) during the ceremony (thank goodness).

Some of Connor's buddies in class--Amna, Nadia, and Noor.
(Not sure of the other little girls in there...they all just hop in when you pull your camera out)!

Countdown to summer!!! Yippee!!!

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