Friday, October 23, 2015


You never know what this Goob is going to do.

The other day while Connor was at school, Noah woke from his nap & said, "Kee-kee, ABCs, couch!"  Translation:  Noah wants to watch ABC videos on the couch with his blankie.

So I got the tiny boss situation on the couch and he proceeded to point to his toes and say, "Kee-kee toes."  Translation: Cover Noah's toes with his blankie.  

So I did as he asked yet again.

As I walked into the kitchen, Noah muttered something else, yet again.  "ABCs bay-her bed."  I asked him if he wanted his bear from his bed, and he explaimed "YESSS!"  So off I went to retrieve it.

When I handed him his bear and he hugged it so sweetly, he says, "Mouse bed?"  I then told him, if you want your Mickey Mouse too, this is it!"  I went in to grab his Mickey Mouse from his bed and brought it to him.  

He then hugged both stuffed animals and watched his ABC videos intently with this face....

This kid!

Then big bro came in from school and he immediately grabbed a blanket and cozied up with Noah on the couch.  The boys decided to watch videos of children opening 'surprise eggs' (basically easter eggs with random toys inside).  They just sat, Noah asked, "What's this?" after each toy was revealed and Connor sweetly explained each one.

They were funny to watch.

Then on Wednesday night just before bed, Connor went to bed later than usual.  Let's just say Connor's front tooth could have easily come out a week ago, but he was too afraid to pull it out.  I tried giving him tips, letting me wiggle it, etc, but there was no getting this child to pull his tooth out.  It was finally to the point the tooth was discolored since it wasn't getting any blood circulation and was literally hanging by a thread.  

Our night went like this.  Brush teeth, wiggle tooth a tiny bit.  Tooth starts to bleed.  Connor panicked thinking he was hurt, but I explained how it's normal & it just means the tooth is ready to come out.  Connor ran down stairs to show Matt.  Connor was convinced the bleeding was now hurting him, so I suggested a little ice to numb his gums.  Back upstairs we went.  Connor wiggled tooth to the point the tooth could now spin 180 degrees.  He was still afraid to pull it out, but we giggled so much at how funny he looked with his front tooth spun around, that he had to run downstairs to show Matt yet again.  When he finally came back upstairs, I told him the tooth was coming out tonight & we just needed to do it.  He was still afraid, so I got my hand in his mouth fast & popped it out!  He was overjoyed and ran back downstairs to show Matt his new smile!

Phew!!  This is the 2nd out of 4 teeth I've had to pull out when Connor wasn't expecting it!  Good grief! Haha!

"Mom, remember how I said I didn't trust for you to pull out my tooth.  Now, I do!"

The Tooth Fairy delivered a whopping $6 for his tooth this time!  She even left a little glittery dust on the dollars.  We have 2 more wiggly teeth too.  My sweet boy's smile is ever changing these days!

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