Saturday, October 1, 2016

Look who's th-weeeee!

The week of Noah's birthday has been a busy one!

On Tuesday, we suited up after school & played with Michael until it was time to meet family at the clubhouse area for family party #1.
 With family going to the Bahamas over Noah's birthday, we celebrated a little early with them before they left.  Nana brought everything from Chick-fil-a nuggets to special ordered PJ Mask party supplies for this kid.  There was some eating and then some swimming...

This photo pretty much sums up Noah's party.

My picky eater was pretty pumped to have his yummy "bir-day cupcakes with M&Ms."

No question that both my boys love some sugar.

When it was present time, everyone had a front row seat.  Even though Connor is so grown up, he loves to see what goodies Noah opens.  Noah is thrilled to open anything, which makes this age super easy with gift giving!

It's weird to see Connor big enough to help Noah open and read his cards.  How are my babies so big?!

Noah was a little confused that he had a bir-day par-dee, but he wasn't th-wee yet.  So when he woke up on his actual birthday, he was pretty excited to do more birthday stuff!

PS. He will be in his crib until he's 17 if it means he will still nap & sleep at night.

Connor rushed to get ready that morning, so he could help Noah open his gifts before he had to be at school.

Gift number one~ new big boy monster backpack for when Noah starts at Noah's Nursery on Tuesday.

Side note: I'm excited yet dreading having to peel him off of me on his first day. Ahhh.

I wrapped his gifts so long ago, it was a fun surprise to see what I got him too! 

The boys either beg to sit by each other in the car OR scream if one of them even touches the other one.  It all depends on their mood.  Thankfully, they opted to be sweet & get along on this day.

My heart swells for these goobs.

Daddy was sick over the last few days, so he tried to stick it out for Noah's birthday.  While Connor was at school, Noah opted to play hide & seek with his chalk in the front yard bushes, play on his new Ziggle from Nana & Papa, and chow on a popsicle in his jammies before 10am.

If this 100 degree weather would cool it just a wee bit, we'd be outside more!

While Dad stayed home to rest, Noah & I had a lunch date at Chick-fil-a.
We ended the evening with a Sears/Herrick family supper at Chili's.  Noah was happy to sit by Austin & Connor while they played, chowed on oranges and corn, opened oodles of gifts, and basked in the attention for having a birthday.

More birthday celebrations to come this weekend with friends (if weather cooperates!)

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