Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A boy and his loves...

Connor has a special love for a few fabulous ladies (besides his Mom, of course)---Nana & G.G. Melveeta :)

Enjoy a few photos of Connor with his loves.

The moment we all enjoy--when Connor cuddles (usually is rare since he's always moving, but his Praisebaby DVD does the trick every time!)

Our visit with G.G. Melveeta :)

We had a great time visiting G.G. this morning for a short while. Connor had enough time to run around, finger print the sliding glass door, drum on the toilet seat, and pluck a few silk flowers from G.G.'s pretty display in her entry way! But Connor's favorite part of the visit....playing in the rocks. It never gets old!
"She has a pool, Mom!"

On a rock adventure...

Oh, the simple pleasures in life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard Uncle Craig was partly responsibile for the rock fascination. Gotta love them boys!!! Let's make plans to get the kiddies together soon.