Monday, March 19, 2012

Auntie Nicole is the Best!!

Ever since we heard Auntie Nicole wanted to take Connor to the Toy Story on Ice show, Connor had Toy Story on his brain 24/7! We went on a hunt for a new Buzz shirt in preparation for the show and came home with super cool jammies instead...

Meet the cutest Buzz Lightyear!

And Woody too...

On Saturday, Connor, Auntie Nicole, precious Peyton, and her parents all loaded up & headed to the show!

Connor wasn't Mr. Smiley in his photos, but had a great time!! He has not stopped talking about it ever since! We read the Toy Story on Ice fan booklet as our bedtime story each night now and Connor insists we play with his new light up Buzz toy from the show whenever it gets dark outside!

Minus the painful looking smile, I loved his Alien hat and "Spud Muffin" shirt :)

Thank you so very much Auntie Nicole!!! Connor had a blast!!!

1 comment:

Brost Family said...

The jammies are too much cuteness to handle!!!!!!