Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lots of New!

Saturday, I woke up excited!  We had lots of new things to look forward to!  First stop-- flag football!

My sweet, sweet boy was so excited to know I was there to watch him play (with Matt & 'Noah Monster').  He kept seeking me out on the sidelines. I will forever be his biggest cheerleader! He looked so grown up, yet so little all at the same time.  This week, he got to be quarterback.  He rocked it!

The first half is practice, where the boys work on throwing, catching, running with the ball, and trying to pull their opponent's flags.

While Connor was the same size as the other boys on his team and opposing team, he was a year or two younger than them.  He did great keeping up with the older kids.

The big man on the field.

He was so focused and I couldn't help, but take 1,000,000 pictures of him.

As long as there are flags, I'm okay.  I'm pretty sure I could not handle him playing a full impact, injury-prone sport.

After football, Matt & I headed home to work on Connor's big surprise!  For the last few weeks, I've been ordering items and anxiously awaiting everything to come in the mail, so I could complete Connor's new room mission!  With Connor gone for the afternoon, I was dying to get everything changed before he got back home!  I took a shot of the "Before" room.

My goal was to make it the coolest room in the eyes of soon-to-be kindergartener.  I also wanted it to still feel like his room, so I took a lot of existing items and just altered their color/lampshade/etc to get it to coordinate with the new theme.  It was a toss up between super heroes or Star Wars.  C's been very into Star Wars, so I opted to take that route.  I tried to make it super exciting for C, yet non-tacky for me!  It was really fun to put it all together!  

When C got home, Matt & I planned to keep C entertained downstairs, so he wouldn't see his room until bedtime.  At bedtime, Matt snuck upstairs and began playing the Darth Vader theme song from C's room.  As Connor, Noah, and I came upstairs, Connor heard the music, followed by seeing all his Star Wars figures lined up on the stair railing.  At the top of the stairs, a Darth Vader blanket hanging in his doorway caught his eye.   

Once he got a peek of his new room, he exclaimed, "You're the bestest persons EVER!"

{I'm pretty sure he loved it!}

Tacky characters or not, I would do anything for this face!

My little "Master Connor Jedi Knight!"

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