Monday, September 17, 2012


This past weekend, we were paintin'!
Connor didn't come close to any wet paint or brushes, but did perfect the art of climbing the ladder.
Over and over and over and over...
We waited until the Smurf was in bed, then we were off...
Matt did the trim work (he's WAY better than I am on painting a straight line)...
And I did the rolling...
(please disregard my jammies...)
We worked til' the wee hours of the night!
At about 2:30am, we decided to paint fun stuff behind the fridge that we will one day find again...
We showered & headed to bed around 3:00-ish.
It wasn't long before Smurf woke at 7:30am.  He was thrilled to see all the ladders in the living room still just waiting to be climbed!

Our house is starting to feel more like our home and it feels so incredibly nice :).

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