Thursday, January 17, 2013

We're back in business...

As Danielle & I have suffered from OCD attacks, after having our photos pile up without a blog to load them to...we are finally saved!  HUGE thanks to Tiffany (Peyton's Mama) for suggesting we upload a new internet browser and try that.  Goodbye Internet Explorer and Hello Google Chrome!

Here's a quick upchuck of random pictures that have been anxiously waiting to be seen :)

Crazy family dress up time at Taylor's 8th birthday party!

My precious little boy cruisin' Nana & Papa's neighborhood!  He decided he'd give his Christmas bike a try and took off...gave Nana a run for her money all the way around her community!  I pulled in after work to see my big guy up and pedaling like a pro.  I was anxiously waiting for the day he'd be willing to try a bike out.  Now, we can't go anywhere without a bike or scooter in our trunk.

Over the past few weeks, we've gathered many neighborhood friends.  If you step out in your driveway around 5pm each day, you'll find swarms of children waiting to play!  Just the other night, we had about 9 neighborhood kidlets in our driveway cruising on various bikes/scooters/electric vehicles!  Our new friends recently are Alyssa, Gia, Michael, Landon, and Benjamin (mixed in with a few more kids that we don't really know yet...).  Every neighborhood playdate usually ends in tears, as Connor wants to bring his friends home with him to play forever.  Reason # 1,496 why Connor needs a sibling!

This past week, we got to celebrate a big 4th birthday with my sweet little niece, Kaylee!

And then this past week, I jumped on the Instragram bandwagon (another reason to take pictures and post for family & if I don't do that on a few other websites already...).  I love me some pictures...especially of my favorite freckled face smurf!

Here's one I captured on my phone a few days ago when we had supper at Nana & Papa's.  A few of my favorite guys were grilling out...and looking mighty cute doing it! :)

Yay for having pictures to look at again!!

And P.S.
Thank you G.G. for Connor's Bahamas goodies!  We're glad you're back safely from your trip! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Glad you are back in business!