Friday, December 6, 2013

Thanksgiving weekend!

Well, hello there blog.  It's been awhile.

I've had these photos on my blog to edit, but I've been busy experiencing a week from h-e-l-l...
so am just now getting around to it.  

**I'll elaborate the week from h-e-l-l in my next post**

But for now, here are some cute pictures of my favorite boys over Thanksgiving weekend!

We had a cold front come through for a few days that week, so we thought it'd be a good day to lounge in our jammies all day.  Our adventures during the day involve C grabbing his super hero action figures, lining them up on the wall in our front entry way outside, and then we both take turns checking on them to make sure they're all still there. (This is a game where I have to snatch away an action figure while C's not looking, hide him in the yard, then C has to find the super hero that escaped).  

Super duper fun, I know.

This game lasts for as long as Noah will sit content in his bouncy seat.

Here we are headed to Thanksgiving at Aunt Debbie's house.  Noah snuck in a nap on the ride over there.
You have no idea how grateful I am to have Matt drive so I can sit in the backseat, hold Noah's pacifier in place, and watch him fall asleep.  I would happily wedge my giant rear between two carseats in my backseat to keep Noah from screaming his precious head off in the car anyday.

Ok, rewind.  I think this picture was taken a few days before Thanksgiving.  Uncle Paul & Aunt Heidi were in town, so we hung with them at Debbie's house.

I don't do well when I don't blog pictures right away--I don't remember one day from the next sometimes!

Fast forward again to Thanksgiving.  This day I was thankful for black wrap dresses.  The black hides the extra 15 lbs I'm still carrying and the 'wrap' makes it easier to nurse my hungry hippo.

The day kind of felt like a whole lot of me sneaking away to nurse Noah and me pacing back & forth with white noise playing to get Noah to sleep.  Yep, that was my day.  I'm sure there was a poop blow out or a turkey dinner mixed in somewhere too.

A cute picture of Dad & Noah, minus the caveman look he has going on for the No-shave-November. 

Noah got lots of attention!

The day after Thanksgiving we headed to Austin & Kaylee's house to play while they decorated for Christmas.  We ended the day cruising over to Bass Pro to see Santa.

Then on Saturday was the big FSU/UF game.  Only the best football game all year.  Mom thought we should take advantage of the time the family was together (and in color coordinated outfits), to slip in a few pictures on the front porch.

Here's just the girls :)

I'm leaving off the really good family photo of all of us, as to not spoil Mom's Christmas card this year.

We tried to sneak in a picture of Matt, Me & Noah.  We decided Matt 'looked a little funny,' so a little photo cropping & tah-dah...a good Mommy-son photo!  **Sorry Honey!** ;)

We all had a nice Thanksgiving & a great Noles win!

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