Thursday, May 14, 2009

Snuggle Bunny

Since Connor was about a month old, he decided he was NOT the kind of child that likes to be snuggled and held like a baby (he ONLY liked facing outward to see things). As he has grown and become even more interested in seeing outward and all that's going on around him, he rarely let me hold him 'like a baby', resting his head on my shoulder, unless he had just woken up, got a boo-boo, or was asleep. Then about a month ago, ENTERS: NEIL SEDAKA....God bless this man, who allows me to hold my son like a baby!! I saw him singing on Regis and Kelly one morning promoting his new kid CD and Connor just zoned in on him while it was on. Thought I would give it a try and bought the CD. Never had heard of the guy, but he's more of my parents' generation I guess...sang songs like "Breaking Up is Hard to Do" and "Love Will Keep Us Together." His CD is all of his popular songs just put to kid words, so its really catchy! So every day around lunch time when Connor is ready for a nap, I pop in 'Neil' and dance away. Connor lets me hold him like a baby, rests on my shoulder, and just tunes into 'Neil'. He falls asleep to him EVERY TIME! So everyone is happy- I get to hold Connor like a baby, Connor loves this music, and then he falls asleep! I recommend this CD to all of you parents out there! May Neil Sedaka bless your house like he has blessed mine! : )

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

That's so cute! Gald you found a method that works.

The CD cover is sure interesting! :-)