Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to me!

I know it's kinda silly to wish myself a Happy Mother's Day, but hey- I deserve it! Becoming a mother is something I have always dreamed of and now that I am, it couldn't be better! Yeah, I don't get any sleep, wear clothes that can double as pajamas and day wear, rarely get a daily shower, my house is dirty, usually miss meals, am rushed doing anything, feel successful if I make it through another day, and am always preparing myself for what I have to do next...but it's all worth it for my precious little Connor man! I think it is until you become a mother yourself that you realize just how much your own mother sacrificed for you...although from what I've heard- I was an angel child and Connor is, well, a pistol at times!

So on this Mother's Day this year, relax if you are a mom, and praise your mothers!

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