Friday, June 5, 2009

1st time at the Park


"Ooooooo dirt..."

Too cute!

I dropped Coop off at the groomer's, so had the afternoon free with Connor. Thought it would be a great time to try out the bucket swings at the park. Only a few little girls at the park when we got there, which Connor smiled at : ), so we pretty much had the park to ourselves. He looked uncomfortable in the swing, but was grinning ear to ear the whole time! Sat Connor on the playground to get a few pics and thought it was so dirty! Guess I have to get over that syndrome of trying to keep him clean all the time. Brushed the sand off his legs, walked around and talked to the trees and rocks, then loaded up to go home. It was about a 45 minute trip, but was very successful!


kendra said...

Hey Megan, it's Kendra. It was good to hear from you - thanks for the link to your blog. Conner is such a cutie! Shoot me an email sometime and let me know how you're doing!

Brittney said...

Yeah the dirty thing is just not going to work! I took Lily to the movies the other day... she ate pocorn off the floor.