Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our daily adventures

Connor is quite the ham these days! Just yesterday we made a quick run to Walmart for some groceries...well it should have been a quick run. There were about 3 checkout ladies that kept 'running' into us while we were going up and down the aisles that had to stop and talk to the cutest little boy in the world (Connor : ) ). He knows how to put on a show...he would just smile, kick his legs, giggle, squeal...he kept drawing more attention to himself and he was eating up all the attention! So what should have been about a 10 minute run through Walmart turned into something more like a 1/2 hour...but hearing people tell you that you have the happiest baby in the world and how stinking cute he is never gets old! I don't have any pictures from our grocery store adventure, but here are a few I got yesterday with some family visits.

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