Friday, July 17, 2009

Park and more...

We ventured out to the park for a nice change of scenery. Worked out great--we were the only ones there! As a mom, you tend to look at parks a different way now. Before they just looked like everything looks like a 'fall hazard' or germ farm! Had a good time trying out all the fun stuff and taking pictures (of course!). I realized this park must be made for the land of the giants, because the swings were freakishly high! Sometimes its hard to tell if Connor is enjoying himself or just having fun since he loves a camera in his face! Pretty sure he had fun though...he's so funny. Enjoy the pictures!

Mom will rethink the dress/slide combo.


Posing (should really get him into baby modeling!)

Banging on the rocks

My little monkey!!

The pulling up adventures continue around the house! Hard to make it through the day without at least 2-3 falls and bumps of some sort. I love how his clothes take on a new look when he's upright! : )


Checking things out from a different view

Been keeping an eye on Coopy this morning. He has licked the pad of his back paw pretty the point he doesn't want to stand on it long and just hides under the bed. Might have to venture to the Vet later. My poor Coopy.

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