Thursday, November 19, 2009

Birthday Festivities Part 2

I'm running short on time today, but will include LOTS of pics from the rest of Connor's big day yesterday. We had a wonderful day celebrating & Connor enjoyed every minute of it! :)

Our trip to McDonald's with Nana for
Connor's 1st Happy Meal and milk!
Note to self: Bring sippy cup, as their child's milk
does not have a lid!
Connor loved him chicken nuggets and fries,
but we made sure to sneak in some healthy bits from Nana's salad too.

Connor's Happy Meal toy that was interesting for a whole 2 seconds before being dropped on the ground!

One HAPPY kid with his HAPPY meal!

When we got home, we filled up his present from Mom (his water table) and had a blast soaking ourselves and the patio! Connor loves to take steps on the patio, so got a ton of walking practice in. We counted 8 steps as being the longest time he was up and balanced!

"Hmmm...where did I put that bow?!"

After Connor was bathed and dressed again, he decided to take a few minutes to relax on the floor before playing again! Such an exciting day for such a little boy!

A little shot of B'day dinner (Dino nuggets courtesy of Nana)...made sure to mix in some veggies/fruit as well. Mom was having a hard time feeding Connor so much gooky food in one day!

One happy boy and his proud Mama.

Getting some walking practice during present time. Mom's face reads: "Trying to look confident in your child, but extremely fearful of him falling back into the coffee table".

Mom's face now reads pure relief! :) He did it!

Modeling the cutest big boy outfit from our friends, Tiffany & Peyton! Can't wait to see him in it!

"Why is everyone singing to me?! Just give me the cupcake already!"

Don't blink...

Or you won't see the cupcake completely disappear in ONE bite! (please ignore Mom licking the frosting off of Connor's candle in the background!) this is the stuff Mom's been eating so much lately!

He didn't want to waste one ounce of sugar!

After our party guests left, we had some fun playing in Mom's closet.
"Hey buddy! It's my birthday!"

"Mom, my friend is back!"

After playing in Mom's shoes, we continued walking practice!

And more walking...

And more walking...
(He was so giggly and proud of himself).

Between all the daily excitement & loads of cupcake sugar, Connor did not want to go to bed until about 10:45pm. He was having a blast just monkeying around!

We had a great day & can't believe it has already passed! Thank you to all for the thoughtful gifts and cards. And special thanks to the sweetest Tiffany & Peyton (over at for their thoughtful blog posting dedicated to Connor!

More birthday celebration to come...

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